Other stories [Castle] and [Stargate SG-1] and [Star Wars] and [Voyager] and [West Wing] and [Zorro] and [Original Writings]. Send comments to linda.bindner@gmail.com.

Bordertown stories by Linda Bindner

All stories are based on the 1989 half-hour western series that ran for three seasons on The Family Channel. These stories are scenes that are between the scenes in the possible season 4 episodes. They're scenes that wouldn't even have made it to the cutting room floor because they wouldn't even have made it into the script. Read them in the order in which they appear, or they won't make sense.

Marie's Decision (PG) posted 2015-03-12
Lucy (PG) posted 2015-03-12
Office Hours (PG) posted 2015-03-12
Fess Up (PG) posted 2015-03-12
Hotel Radway (PG-13) posted 2015-03-22
The Dumont Uprising (PG-13) posted 2015-03-28
Une Conversation (PG) posted 2015-04-04

Other stories [Castle] and [Stargate SG-1] and [Star Wars] and [Voyager] and [West Wing] and [Zorro] and [Original Writings]. Send comments to linda.bindner@gmail.com.

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