Chapter 3 || Contents || Chapter 5

Chapter 4

Neelix gaped at the half Klingon in astonishment. You want me to what?

Are you deaf? Torres growled. Cook! I need you to teach me to cook!

Well, I caught that part already. But why?

Because I lost a stupid bet with Chakotay, and now I have to make him dinner. No replicators, no help, just me. He gave me this list, B'Elanna thrust the data padd under Neelix's notched nose, and I don't even know what most of the food is, let alone haw to fix it. I'm an engineer, not a chef!

Neelix grasped the padd away from Torres and brought it down to a readable level. I see your predicament, Lieutenant. And you want me to instruct you in the preparation of the meal, is that it?

Exactly. Torres crinkled her forehead pleadingly. So can you help me?

Why certainly! Neelix crowed. I'd be delighted to help a fellow crewmember out of a... jam... as you Humans call it. Although why you call it a jam is beyond me. According to the computer, jam is a sweet spread for pastries. Then again, it rather applies to your situation....

Torres' hand suddenly flashed out and she wrapped her fingers in the folds of the Talaxian's bright coat, hauling him to a centimeter's length from her nose. In the past Neelix had always admired B'Elanna's eyes, and considered them the softest part of her rather harsh features. He quickly changed his mind.

As I was saying, Lieutenant, he squeaked, I'd love to help you. If you'll set me down...? B'Elanna plopped him unceremoniously on the floor. Ah, much better, he smiled, shaking the wrinkles out of his collar. You've gotten much better at controlling your temper over the past month. A few weeks ago, you would have thrown me against the wall - He caught the warning glint of those now very familiar eyes in time to smoothly turn to the conference room door, saying, Just follow me to the galley, and we'll get started. By this evening, you'll have the commander kissing your feet in appreciation.

I hope so.

The two proceeded across the Bridge toward the turbolift. Commander Chakotay spotted them and softly walked across the upper level, drawing Neelix aside. You can't do the cooking for her, understand? And be sure to make enough for two. I promised the captain that she could try some of the sweetbread the next time I had it.

Neelix leaned close and whispered, Of course, Commander. Anything I can do to help you in your pursuit. At that he patted Chakotay's arm and followed B'Elanna into the lift.

Chakotay looked at the now-closed doors of the turbolift, his brows drawn tight in confusion. My pursuit? he asked himself. Of what?

He still hadn't figured out Neelix's cryptic comment when Ensign Smith called to him from Ops. Commander? Long range sensors have just picked up the presence of an M Class planet in the next star cluster.

Chakotay immediately forgot all about Neelix as he made his way toward the slim ensign. M Class? We haven't seen one of those for quite a while. Anything interesting?

We're still too far away for a detailed scan, but we are picking up signs of interstellar travel. There are several ships orbiting the planet and at least one orbital station.

Tuvok commented from his position at Tactical, Commander, I count two space stations and four orbiting ships. Tuvok narrowed the sensors. And I am picking up trace amounts of neutrinos, which we all know is discharged from engines powered by dilithium.

This especially caught Chakotay's attention. Dilithium? Are you reading it from the ships or can you pick it up from the planet itself?

Tuvok touched a few more buttons across his panel, and minutely shook his head. As Ensign Smith pointed out, we are too far away to get an accurate reading.

Chakotay returned his attention to the Ops station. Ensign, put our position relative to that planet on screen.

Smith's fingers flew across the gleaming Ops board, and in seconds had Voyager's present heading displayed against a star chart on the forward screen.

The chart showed Voyager's position on her existing course as almost past the system. Chakotay frowned again. Smith, why didn't the sensors pick this system up before?

The ensign's brow furrowed as she concentrated on her readings. The star seems to be experiencing some violent solar flares that are hampering the sensors. At wide dispersal, they didn't notice the system through all the radiation.

Chakotay cupped his chin in his right hand as he surveyed the map. How far off our course is that planet, Mr. Tuvok?

At warp six, we would arrive in two days, twelve hours and twenty-three minutes, if we divert course now.

That's a bit of a detour, if you ask me, the commander said, more to himself than anyone else. However, his voice rose, if there is dilithium on that planet, we could go a long way in beefing up our reserves.

My thoughts exactly, Sir.

Chakotay turned toward Tuvok and smiled. The Vulcan had an annoying habit of making the entire Bridge crew aware that he had thought of nearly every point long before any of the rest of them had. Including the commander. But it was always comforting to know that he was there, just in case the commanding officers missed something. He looked back at the chart. That planet looked very promising, but it took an order from the captain to authorize such a dramatic course change. Damn. He really wanted to go a full day without seeing that woman on the Bridge. Maybe he could work around the need to have her actually present.

Bridge to Captain Janeway.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Si....

*Janeway here.*

Almost six seconds. She's starting to relax, he thought. Captain, are you near a monitor?

*Umm, yes I am.*

Transfer the forward view screen to your monitor.

*Just a moment, Commander. Neelix seems to have rewired the controls. This may take a bit.*

There was a long pause, and the loud clang of a falling pan followed by a softly muttered curse floated across the Bridge. Chakotay could almost feel Tuvok's eyebrow lift to his hair line as his captain's distinguished voice said, *Got it.* Another pause, then, *What is so special about a Class M planet? Besides the fact that we haven't seen one for a while?*

We've found neutrino traces from the orbiting ships, and....

*And you think that might be a dilithium signature,* she stated.

Interrupting me even over the communicator. She's not as relaxed as she might be. Yes Captain. I feel the possibility of dilithium is a good enough reason to divert course.

*I agree. How far away are we?*

At warp six we can arrive within three days. But with all the radiation the solar flares are giving off, we won't be able to hail them for at least another thirty-six hours.

*A few days is a small price to pay for another ten years worth of power. Change course, Commander, and contact me as soon as we are within communication range.*

Aye, aye Captain. Bridge out. He had successfully kept her off the Bridge for another eight hours. Chakotay, you are getting pretty good. He bounced down the stairs to the lower level and settled himself into the captain's chair. Mr. Paris, change course, new heading one five zero mark eight, warp six.

Yes, Sir. One five zero mark eight.


Chapter 3 || Contents || Chapter 5