Chapter 2 || Contents || Chapter 4

Chapter 3

The door whisked quietly shut behind Paris and an agitated B'Elanna Torres just as Neelix appeared from the steamy depths of his kitchen. He carried a bowl heaped in red and green strings and a pitcher of a thick blue liquid. Captain! he beamed. Just in time for lunch! Today we're having a cold parquet of squoosh covered in my own special sauce a la Neelix. He indicated the pitcher cradled in his right hand. If I must say so, it's divine! Straight from the loving hands of Kes and the aeroponics lab. Won't you try some?

Captain Janeway turned pleased eyes on her Ocompan companion. Kes! Is the lab giving results so soon?

Kes smiled a proud, soft smile. Yes. The soil samples the doctor prepared for me took well to the lab environment. If we're very careful and recycle all the remains and waste from the crew, I should be able to get two, maybe three growing seasons from each sample.

Janeway grinned. I am delighted to hear that! she said, pointing to the colorful strings, And is this the first fruits of your efforts?

Neelix interrupted. Actually, Captain, they're vegetables, high in fiber and iron, but low on fat. Extremely nutritious.

Excellent! This will truly go a long way in extending our supplies. She looked at them and placed a hand on Kes's arm in a warm gesture of sincerity. I honestly don't know what we would do without both of you.

Well, Captain, for one thing, you would starve. Neelix paused for a moment, then burst out into a stream of boisterous laughter at his own joke. Get it? Without the cook, you'd starve? Ah ha ha ha ha!

Neelix, perhaps the captain would like her lunch. Kes's tone was soft, belying a note of slight reproach.

Neelix calmed, though still giggled intermittently. Of course.

*Bridge to Neelix.*

Neelix cocked his head to one side and answered the summons, Go ahead, Commander.

*We have a slight... uh - problem. Would you please report to the Bridge at your earliest convenience?*

Neelix raised his eyebrows. Certainly. I'm on my way. He placed the food and sauce on the counter, then said, Excuse me Kes, Captain. He disappeared into the corridor.

Janeway turned concerned eyes on Kes. What could Chakotay possibly need from Neelix?

Kes shook her head, equally as mystified. I don't know.

Janeway made a quick decision and, disregarding her first officer's earlier warning not to be concerned with the ship for the day, she touched her combadge and hastily said, Janeway to Bridge.

*Bridge here.* Chakotay's seasoned command voice gave no hint to the present situation.

What's going on, Commander? Is there a problem?

*No, Captain.* Chakotay's voice now held a hidden hint of irritation, but only if one listened carefully.

Janeway was listening carefully, but chose to ignore the danger signal. If something's wrong, I would appreciate....

The hint turned from something subtle to something far more definite. *There's nothing to worry about, Captain. The ship is not falling to pieces yet, and we have everything under perfect control. You will be notified if your presence is required. Chakotay out.*

Janeway was left standing with her head still tilted up in her typical communication pose, and feeling extremely foolish. Naturally nothing was wrong. If Chakotay had business with Neelix, it was his business. It obviously wasn't hers. She blinked at Kes. Well, that was a dressing down if I ever heard one.

I don't think he was very polite, Kes said. She calmly turned to fix a plate of squoosh for the captain and one for herself, but two lines furrowed above her brows, showing her inner concern.

Janeway smiled. I think that's just his way. Tact doesn't have much use in Maquis society. She took one of the plates from Kes and followed the smaller woman to an empty table in the corner of the mess hall. She continued, When I first met Mark, I thought he was the same way: cool, detached, aloof. Almost like he was above the rest of us in the Academy. They sat across from each other at the small table.

Curious beyond her worries about Chakotay, Kes asked, Who's Mark?

Mark is.... Janeway started, but found herself unable to go on. How could she describe Mark? He was her friend, but so much more than that. He was her companion, adviser, lover. Simply speaking, he was her other half - the half amputated by 70,000 light years of space and an inadequate supply of just about everything.


Janeway glanced back at Kes, surprised from her thoughts. I'm sorry. You were saying?

Kes laughed mildly and took a bite of food. I wasn't saying anything. But your eyes suddenly grew...very sad. Is Mark the person you've been dreaming about?

Kathryn Janeway twirled the strings around in the blue sauce sloshing on her plate. I did dream about him this morning. I saw him, but I couldn't reach him. Everybody on the ship kept getting in my way. I was pushing people aside, trying to move towards him.... Then he was gone, and I couldn't find him.

Kes leaned across the table in tender sympathy. What an awful dream! It must have been very upsetting for you.

Janeway thought about the panic and utter despair she'd felt on waking from her troubled sleep. Yes, it was. She frowned and laid her fork on the plate of untouched food.

Kes paused in her own meal. It's difficult for you, isn't it, Captain?

What is?

Being out here. Kes gestured out the observation windows with the end of her fork. Being unable to say the magic word to thrust the ship back to the Alpha quadrant, back to your home and family.

Unwilling to admit to the wave of discouragement that Kes's words initiated, Janeway only said, But your own situation is no different. You will probably never see your family and homeworld again.

Kes smiled. But that's by my choice. Traveling with you on Voyager is my dream come true. Every day is a new adventure, even if the most exciting occurrence is a new vegetable coming up in the lab. This is nothing like anything an Ocampan has ever done before.

The captain looked at the bright, enthusiastic expression and smiled. I see that you have been bitten by the bug.

Excuse me?

Janeway leaned forward in her chair, her unhappiness from a moment before forgotten. You feel it too, don't you? That yearning for discovery, the desire to see what's out there, to encounter all those different races and cultures -

Yes! Kes enthused. Neelix doesn't see it like that, but I do. I want to learn everything I can about all that we encounter. My work in Sickbay has brought me much closer to understanding your race, and why Humans behave the way they do. But Neelix just thinks we should be heading straight for the Alpha quadrant in the fastest possible way - he isn't interested in much more than learning how to cook Terran food.

Janeway laughed. We have to give him credit - I've never seen anybody read our computer banks more avidly than Neelix. He's trying to make us all as comfortable and happy as he conceivably can. Her smile faded then. Still, he may be right. I can't help thinking that maybe, this time, I made the wrong decision.

You mean the array? I think you made the only choice you could, Kes said in confident tones.

But the captain wasn't convinced. Did I? I have wondered since the minute this journey began. Was there something I overlooked, some detail that went unattended, maybe a way to fix the array faster in order to get us home, a less aggressive approach in dealing with the Kazon....

Had you found a way, the Kazon would never have let the array alone after you left. If that had happened and I had stayed at home, by now my entire race would surely be dead, and so would I. You saved far more than you realize, Captain.

Maybe, Janeway despaired. But at what cost? My first responsibility is to this ship and this crew, both Starfleet and Maquis. I sometimes think I let my morals get in the way of my commitment to the crew. Perhaps had there been a different captain in charge....

Kes carefully interrupted. But that's not what happened. You are the captain of Voyager. The past would surely be different had anybody else been in command, but I don't see how it could possibly be any better.

There was a short silence as Janeway pondered this idea. Finally she lifted her fork again, and her spirits lifted as well. You're right. It's ridiculous to constantly be thinking about the 'what if's. If members of the crew aren't happy with my decision, I don't suppose there's anything I can do about it now. She twirled the strings around her fork and tentatively tried Neelix's newest concoction. One thing she had clearly learned while traveling the Delta Quadrant was to watch out for anything Neelix created. If some recipe backfired, heartburn was usually the least unpleasant effect to expect. But surprisingly the mess of chewy strings and blue sauce was exceptionally tasty. My goodness, I think Neelix has been practicing. This is wonderful!

It was my elder's recipe, Kes explained. She refrained from adding that she had also done most of the cooking after Neelix exploded the strings into even smaller strings in his first attempt at cooking squoosh. He had watched carefully and she was sure that next time he would handle the delicate vegetable with success. But for now, he was still cleaning the exploded strings out of the cooking bay. However, nobody needed to know that.

Neelix stepped onto the Bridge and heard the turbolift doors close behind him. What a comforting sound, he thought. The swish of the doors always reminded him of his childhood and the sound of his mother's skirts as she walked about his room at night, checking on him while he was supposed to be asleep. In fact, he felt so content at that moment that he took the time to glance around at the unflagging activity of the Bridge officers, and sighed in complete joy. Such busy people, working so hard and efficiently, with him there to be their unflagging support and guide. Oh, he loved the arrangement of his new job.

He spied Commander Chakotay leaning comfortably back in the captain's chair, and he felt a little start at seeing the first officer there instead of the smaller, more familiar, form of Captain Janeway. He was already getting used to the previously indecipherable behavior patterns of this alien ship, and seeing just one person out of place would have thrown him into confusion only the week before. But a long talk with Tuvok on Starfleet procedures had set him straight. Unfortunately for Tuvok, the talk had taken far longer than he would have liked. Of course, Neelix had never thought to question the fact that only moments before he had seen Captain Janeway wearing a brown long-sleeved tunic and striped vest over flowing tan pants. Though very becoming, the outfit certainly did not fit Starfleet protocol for on-duty personnel. There were still some concepts Neelix had yet to grasp.

But Chakotay turned at the sound of the closing lift doors, and there was no more time for thought. Thank you for coming, Neelix.

The Talaxian descended the steps to command level while saying, My pleasure, Commander. What do you require?

We have a - a moral problem.

Neelix's eyes widened at that announcement. Why, what can I do to help? Perhaps a small refreshment to break up the monotony of the day? Or better yet, a party! I've been thinking, Commander, and....

Chakotay held up a hand. No, no parties, Neelix. This situation isn't that desperate yet. But - perhaps you should step into the conference room.

Oooh, the conference room! This promises to be interesting.

Chakotay led Neelix up the steps and to the right of the lift. The conference room doors obligingly slid aside and the commander ushered Neelix inside.

B'Elanna Torres stopped pacing around the table and whirled to face the new arrivals. Her hands clenched into fists, then she visibly forced herself to relax. With deliberate steps, she walked around the large table to join the two near the door, but her mouth remained in a tight, grim line of anger.

Chakotay grinned and Torres frowned. He looked at Neelix, then at B'Elanna, then back. At last he patted Torres hard on her back and said to Neelix, She's all yours. With no further explanation, he walked out.

What? Neelix put out a hand to the departing commander. All mine? For what? Is there something going on that I need to know about...? But Chakotay was gone.

Neelix turned to Torres. Lieutenant, will you please explain to me what's going on?

With one last glare sent at the uncaring door, B'Elanna turned her gaze to Neelix. She looked him up and down and seemed to be chewing on the inside of her cheek. Finally she burst out with, Neelix, I need you to teach me how to cook.

Neelix could only gape at her, his mouth open in surprise.

Lieutenant Rollins strolled up to the table where Ensign Kim was finishing his light lunch and pulled out a chair. He sat down with a heavy thud, then said, You about finished, Harry? If we get back to work, we'll be done by 1500 at the latest.

Harry smiled and speared his last lettuce leaf with his two-tined fork. What's up? Have you got a personal thing about working on the sensor relays? Or maybe you have a hot date or something? Rollins tried to hide his grin behind his hand, but he failed. OK, who is it?

No one you know.

Oh, come on! There's only 150 people on the entire ship! Everybody knows everybody.

But not everybody knows my business, and I want to keep it that way.

Kim was a little put off by the other man's secretive manner. His smile faded and his badgering went with it. Well, I suppose we can get started right now if you want... no, wait, isn't it your turn to do the dishes?

Rollins, happy that the matter was settled in his favor without offering too much information, shook his head and prepared to rise. Nope, not today.

Kim hesitated. I thought sure it was. I even planned a sensor diagnostic for this hour to give you time to finish in the kitchen and get to Engineering.

Well, now you don't have to waste the time. My dish duty was yesterday. Rollins rose, then paused. Now that I think about it though, isn't it your turn?

Harry Kim rose as well, the legs of his chair snagging on the carpet he got up so fast. Now hang on, I did dishes last week. You can ask Neelix. You can even look it up on the schedule. He shook his head, his pleasant demeanor gone completely at the thought of taking his turn at cleaning up after what he considered an extremely messy crew.

The lieutenant shrugged. Since we're not sure, we'll look it up. He sauntered over to a wall computer unit. Computer, who is scheduled for the kitchen dish duty today?

The computer's noncommittal tone quickly informed them that the honored duty was assigned to Ensign Harry Kim.

But that's not possible! I did them last week. There must be a mistake!

Computer's don't lie. Rollins smugly lifted his eyebrows, then tried his best to cover it by looking sympathetic. I'll start that diagnostic you scheduled. I might need Ensign Quinn to help. She's very good with the sensors.

Still confused about the mixup, Kim hardly caught the glint in Rollins' eyes. Why would you possibly need Maia to run a simple diagnostic?

But Rollins was already on his way out the door. See you in Engineering! he called.

Harry glared at his departing figure. I bet he modified Neelix's schedule, he said under his breath. Just to be with Maia Quinn. I will definitely get him back for this. He shook his head, then looked around at the tail end of the lunch rush. Dirty dishes were piled up on the counter nearest the enormous sink Neelix had cheerfully installed when he'd originally converted the captain's private dining room into a kitchen. Replicating clean dishes for every meal just took too much energy to be practical. But it took very little energy to provide water. And it looked like it would take a lot of water to clean up all those dishes.

Harry hated to do the dishes.

The sound of slamming pots and pans infiltrated the captain's and Kes's conversation enough for the two of them to look up from their table. The room was deserted except for the unidentified being slamming through the kitchen.

I hope that's not Neelix, Kes said, jumping up at once. He always slams utensils around when things aren't going well. Secretly she was hoping he wasn't trying to cook any more squoosh on his own. She still didn't quite trust him with the explosive meal.

Janeway followed Kes into the kitchen and narrowly missed having her foot squashed under a plate that shattered as it hit the floor.


Janeway's eyes grew wide at the sight before her. Ensign Kim, what in heaven's name are you doing?

Harry Kim looked up from trying to scoop the pieces of plate into his hand. Neelix said these things wouldn't break! he accused to no one in particular.

Kes kneeled down to help him. They don't, usually. Most times they just bounce on the floor. Commander Chakotay can catch them on the rebound if his hands aren't too wet. This one must be one of Neelix's first attempts. I'm sorry, Ensign. Let me clean it up - you go on with the dishes. Kes disappeared in search of a broom.

Janeway looked up, completely flabbergasted. What is this? Harry, why are you all wet?

Kim sent an aggravated look at his captain - he couldn't help himself at this point. I'm doing the dishes, he informed her in icy tones. I did them last week too, but the computer doesn't seem to know that. He lifted a soapy spatula out of the sink and gestured towards the captain. He didn't notice Janeway dodge the flying water drops. No, actually what happened is Lieutenant Rollins messed with Neelix's schedule. It's his turn for dish duty. But instead I'm down here in blue stuff up to my elbows and he's in Engineering, flirting with Maia Quinn! His voice had reached the level of a soft roar and by the end of his speech the spatula was weaving in dangerous arcs of irritation.

It was by far the most incensed Captain Janeway had ever seen Harry Kim. She hadn't even known he had a temper at all - until now. But she was still confused.

What is this dish duty you're referring to? I haven't heard of such a thing.

Kes returned just in time to explain. It was Neelix's idea. He didn't have time to cook and clean up after every meal. So he invented a rotating schedule; each crew member is assigned one week to do the dishes every day after lunch. That way we have enough clean dishes for the next three meals, and Neelix has the time he needs to cook and research the crew's food requests. It's always worked very well before now.

Maybe so, but I hate doing dishes. Harry glared at both women, then seemed to sag as he realized who he was talking to. I'm sorry, Captain. I don't mean to complain. I'm sure you have more important things to think about than whose turn it is to do the dishes.

Suddenly Janeway laughed. Harry did look silly gesticulating wildly with a spatula, of all things, and the entire situation reminded her of an argument between siblings. But she forced herself to sober down quickly. I'm sorry, Harry, I shouldn't laugh. This situation is not funny at all, especially if Lieutenant Rollins is not doing his duty. I suppose I should have a talk with him about all this. She gestured in bemusement at the mess surrounding Kim.

Kim shook his head. I appreciate it, Captain, but I don't think that would be a good idea. I don't want to go on record as ratting and complaining about something stupid.

All right. However, I will talk to Neelix and try to straighten everything out. Rollins will be soaking in suds tomorrow, I promise you.

Kim sighed. I feel like such an idiot for going on like that....

Kes patted him on the arm. You've been staying up too late working, Harry. You really should get more sleep.

That's a good idea; then I wouldn't be so irritable. He sighed again and turned back to the sink.

Wait a minute. Janeway halted them both. Why haven't I heard of this dish duty before now?

What do you mean? Harry asked.

Well, Janeway hesitated, When is it my turn?

Kim stared at her. But - you're the captain.

That's what I've been trying to tell her, Kes couldn't resist adding with a smile.

Janeway crossed her arms and regarded them with her best don't-mess-around-with-me expression. That has nothing to do with it.

Neelix felt you had better things to do than spend time in here, ruining your nice hands in dirty water, Kes gently explained.

The captain impatiently rubbed two fingers across her forehead to give herself time to digest this information. She should be touched that Neelix cared so much about the condition of her hands, she supposed, but she would rather not be kept in the dark as to what her crew was doing right under her nose. I guess I have more issues than just Lieutenant Rollins to talk over with Neelix. Ensign, go ahead and return to your duty. I will finish the dishes. I seem to have a lot of lost duty to catch up on.

Kim resisted, No, I don't mind, honestly....

Janeway playfully threw a towel at him and pushed him away from the sink. Out. And Harry, give Rollins my regards, she added in the self-assured, cocky tone of voice she saved for coyly threatening someone she felt to be too big for their britches.

Harry Kim glanced at Kes and smiled a secret little smile. I'll be sure to do that.

Harry left. With that, Kathryn turned her attention to the dishes and, after rolling up her sleeves, plunged her hands into the soapy water. Yuck!

Chapter 2 || Contents || Chapter 4