Chapter 2 || Contents || Chapter 4

Chapter 3

*Janeway to Chakotay.*

Surprised, Chakotay glanced up from the sketch pad he held in his lap. The summons had interrupted an intense session of outlining several new creations for a possible sand picture, and he'd been so absorbed that it took him a moment to withdraw from the creative process enough to answer her. Chakotay here, he managed at last.

There was a pause, then Janeway's voice came hesitantly across the comm line, *Are you all right, Chakotay?*

He smiled. It was unusual for him not to respond immediately to a hail, and she knew that. In spite of the doubts and misgivings he occasionally harbored about Janeway, he had to admit that she knew him well. Yes, I'm fine, he answered, and firmly set aside his pad so he could give her his full attention. I was just drawing.

*Oh,* she said in complete understanding. He could hear the smile in her voice as she went on, *I'm sorry I disturbed you. Do I still get to see the picture when you're finished?*

One thing Kathryn had always shown interest in was his pictures. Even now, years after he had introduced her to the art of sand painting, she enjoyed seeing his creations. She claimed they were relaxing. It was a pity she didn't think the same about the artist. He answered, Yes, of course you get to see it. I like to know what you think.

*I'll even promise not to be critical... well, not too critical.*

Could Kathryn Janeway not be a critic? I'll believe it when I hear it, he said and grinned. Now, what can I do for you?

*Actually, I was just about to take a break from reports and replicate some dessert. I wondered if you'd like to come over and share. I know replicated isn't as good as the real thing, but I haven't been able to convince Neelix to grow anything decent in aeroponics yet... except coffee, of course.*

Chakotay smiled. Heaven help the ship if something happens to those coffee plants, he thought. What did you have in mind? he asked aloud.

*Oh, maybe something with raspberries. Or cherry liqueur. Or maybe.... What are you listening to?*

You can hear that through the comm line? he asked in mild amazement. Chakotay liked to play music softly over his quarter's sound system when he began a new project; music often helped him think. But he hadn't expected it to traverse the ship's comm system.

*Yes. It sounds familiar... but I can't quite place it....*

He could tell that she was listening intently. Mira's Theme, he supplied. From... um, I can't think of the longer work -

*From Universal Revelations!* she finished triumphantly for him. *I always liked that holonovel. But I haven't heard the music since....*

She stopped, and Chakotay wondered if she was trying to recall that piece of information too, or if she was trying not to recall where she'd last heard it. Either scenario was possible. Probably not since -

*New Earth,* she quietly finished for him.

Chakotay couldn't tell if that was a pleasant memory for her. He expected that she still interpreted their shared experience as a painful reminder of losing something very precious to her - Voyager. Usually she refused to even discuss the months spent stranded on the alien planet. He didn't understand why she hid from those events, but whenever he attempted to broach the subject, she inevitably closed herself off from any lengthy conversations by inventing an excuse to be somewhere else. Now he was taken off guard by such a casual reference from her. That's my guess, he said, trying hard to sound casual too, for her sake.

In a soft, almost reminiscent tone, she said, *I remember. You always played it when you were making something.* She paused to laugh lightly. *Though I bet you had trouble inducing the birds to sing it while you built my bathtub!*

He chuckled with her. I could never quite get them to stay in the right key.

She laughed softly again, then the nostalgic moment passed, and she returned to her initial invitation. *Are you interested in dessert?*

Yes, he said, absolutely. What are we having? Chakotay began putting away his drawing utensils and cleaning the table of the data padds he had placed there. With any luck, he wouldn't have time to work more that night. He hadn't seen Kathryn beyond the typical Bridge encounters since their conversation in Sickbay the day before. A nice long talk over dessert was just what he was in the mood for, especially if she was willing to finally talk about New Earth.

*I don't know. I can't decide. What would you like?*

Surprise me, he ordered. I'm on my way, so don't take too long. Chakotay out.

Mere moments later he was standing in front of the captain's quarters, listening to the chime of the call button. She met him at the door, a plate of something very decadent in each hand.

That smells good! he declared, and took the one she offered to him.

Quick, get in, before everybody else smells it in the corridor and comes running for their portion. Kathryn stepped aside and he followed her. The door closed silently behind them.

What is it? he asked as he used his fork to carve off a piece. The first bite was so impressive, he didn't care what it was called after that. He just hoped she remembered the recipe so he could program it into his own replicator.

Something something with cream and... something. We have Harry Kim to thank for it, that's all I know. He came in one day, all mysterious, and programmed my replicator. He told me to order code forty-seven, and not to say a thing to anyone. He claimed that if word got out that he had this program, he would never have a life of his own again. Then he left. I forgot about it until just now.

It's clear that I need to have a talk with Ensign Kim.

Think you can get the program for yourself?

I hope so! Chakotay grinned, thoroughly enjoying himself. The dessert was better than he'd ever imagined a replicator could produce, and Kathryn seemed relaxed and cheerful. Apparently the new skin agreed with her.

She caught him looking at her. With eyes narrowed in suspicion, she accused, I don't trust that smile of yours. What are you thinking about?

That the mix of doctorly care and good food can do wonders for starship captains.

Chakotay, don't remind me! she complained. She put her half empty plate down with a thump on an end table, then fell onto the nearby sofa with another irate thump. I've been restricted from coffee until we figure out what Neelix did to make my skin shrivel up like a bad sunburn. Even at his worst, Neelix never made me shed before, she added with an unhappy sigh. I don't suppose they've found the answer in the last few hours and then forgot to tell me? she added hopefully.

Chakotay shook his head. Not that I know of, unless they forgot to tell me too. He gave her a nod of commiseration and suggested, Why don't you replicate some coffee. Surely the doctor can't object to that.

I'm out of rations, she reminded him. Kathryn heaved another sigh, then retrieved her plate and took a large bite in the hope that the dessert would help a sudden craving for a cup of hazelnut with a touch of honey. It didn't.

What about coffee ice-cream? he suggested next, but spluttered a laugh when he saw the dangerous look that crossed her face. No, I don't suppose that would be the same thing, he hurried to say.

Suddenly she laughed too, and had to reach up a hand to catch the sweet syrup that dribbled down her chin before it had a chance to drip on her uniform. She stood, still laughing, and glared at him. Stop! But more dripping syrup cut her off.

Kathryn, would you like a cup of coffee? he asked, giving in to the unavoidable. I have plenty of rations in my account; unlike you, I don't have an addiction.

Only if you want one, she politely told him and wiped her chin, then thought it would be a good idea to helpfully add, It would go well with the dessert.

I'll take that as a yes. He crossed to her replicator and made his request while Kathryn headed for her bathroom.

I want to ask you something, but first I'm going to wash my hands... Oh, make mine hazelnut! she called to him at the last minute. With honey. And go ahead - I'll be right out.

No, I'll wait. She disappeared, and Chakotay shook his head, amused, then made his request again to correct the order. One with sugar, one with honey. A second later two steaming mugs appeared. He gathered them in his hands and placed them on the low table in front of the view ports. Despite what he'd promised, he took a slow sip of the hot liquid while casually browsing through the data padds she had stacked on the table. If she needed his opinion, it probably had something to do with whatever was on one of those padds.

She hadn't been exaggerating when she'd claimed to be going over reports - it looked like she'd reviewed several ongoing projects, and was in the process of authorizing several more. Off to the side she had placed a padd with the data he and Harry had managed to gather concerning the new buffer matrix for the transporter. Somewhere between all the other reports and the tasks of a regular duty shift, she had found enough time to add a good deal to their original ideas. Does she ever stop working? he muttered to himself in amazement. Aloud he called, Kathryn, you need a hobby - you work too much! He grinned at the humorous images that came to mind just at the mention of Kathryn Janeway giving any serious consideration to not working. She would have to be paralyzed first, he thought.

Chakotay had expected her to reply in some saucy manner, but she didn't. There was no reply at all, though he was sure she could hear him through the closed bathroom door. The silence was unlike her. The skin on the back of his neck suddenly prickled. He glanced up. Now that he thought of it, she was taking an awful long time just to wash her hands.

Following his instincts, he crossed to the door leading to her bedroom and stopped, aware that he was close to what might become a very embarrassing situation if he wasn't careful. Kathryn? he called. There was still no answer. Is everything all right?

Suddenly a muffled thump came from the bathroom, followed by the soft, unmistakable sound of something sliding down the length of the door.

Chakotay didn't need any further encouragement. He was at the door in an instant, pounding on the panel with his fist. Kathryn, answer me! He paused, waiting for a reply, but again none came. Kathryn! This time he didn't bother to wait. He overrode the door commands with a hasty jab at the controls. The door slid aside.

Kathryn fell through the opening and lay in an unmoving heap at his feet. A pungent, sweet-smelling cloud of some kind of gas escaped with her, filtering quickly through the cleaner air in her quarters. Chakotay gagged as he struggled to pull her far enough from the confines of the small wash room to reach the purer air. He stopped just beyond the bedroom door.

Kathryn? he coughed, leaning over her, panic so close to the surface of his control that he would have had trouble speaking anyway. She didn't respond to him at all. Dazed, Chakotay did his best to make a fast assessment of her condition: her skin was pale, her cheeks sheened in sweat, and her hands were marked with huge blisters. A slow pulse beat sluggishly against his probing fingers, but at least she had one. The minute he registered that she was still alive, he slapped his combadge so hard, he bruised his chest. At the time, he felt nothing but the fear.

Chakotay to transporter room! Lock onto the captain's signal and beam her directly to Sickbay! Now! He had just enough presence of mind to fall back out of the transporter's reach before the beam took effect. Kathryn's figure shimmered for a heartbeat, then vanished.

The room was deathly quiet. For a moment he was too numb to do anything but sit. Then he breathed, coughed on the foul air, and climbed shakily to his feet. There was a vague thought to order the computer to ventilate the air in her quarters, then a thought to shut down the ventilation altogether, but he couldn't quite grasp the concept. It didn't matter. Instead he touched his combadge again, much more gently this time. Chakotay to Tuvok.

The Vulcan's response was wonderfully prompt. *Tuvok here.*

Chakotay didn't waste breath on explanations. Meet me in Sickbay. It's Kathryn.

Chapter 2 || Contents || Chapter 4