Contents || Chapter 2

Disclaimer: Paramount owns everything except my brain and what goes on in it. Go ahead and share this story, but please keep these headers in place.

Beyond the Journey

by Linda Bindner


for Karen


Chapter 1



Kathryn Janeway strolled calmly down the curving corridor of her ship. She felt the heavy thrum of the warp engines sending minute vibrations through her boot soles, and the sensation added to her sense of well-being. Funny how the smoothness of engines can make a body happy, she thought absently to herself. A small, content grin lifted the corners of her mouth.

She sighed as she came to an intersection, rounded the corner, then stopped outside the door to a crew cabin. She rang the door chime.

Come! a distracted voice yelled, the sound carrying into the corridor.

The door slid aside and Janeway was accosted before she'd even had the chance to walk through the opening.

Small arms wrapped around her right leg, and two hands with ten very strong fingers grabbed handfuls of her uniform trousers. Janeway had to brace herself against the doorjamb so she wouldn't lose her balance. She looked down and stared into two round brown eyes and the biggest smile in the Delta Quadrant.

Captain! Samantha Wildman arrived at the door, breathless after chasing her daughter across the room. A hoverball racket dangled from her hand. I think she's glad to see you.

As much as Janeway wanted to believe that she held a special place in the toddler's affections, her knowledge of children made her suspicious. Is it really me? Or is she this way with everybody? She tried to pry some of the fingers away from her leg as she spoke. The age of the child had nothing to do with the child's fingernails, all ten of which were long and sharp; she felt a few energetic stabs through the material of her uniform. So much for that tough Starfleet fabric, she said in silent amusement. Plundered by a toddler.

Oh, it's definitely you, Captain, Samantha assured with a grin matching her daughter's. She knelt down to be at eye-level with the girl. Now, Cat, you be good and don't run off like you did with Lieutenant Tuvok yesterday. Do you promise?

The grin in place, Cat still managed to look contrite as she said, Promse promse promse! She nodded vigorously.

Good. Captain, I'll be....

I know, Samantha. The hoverball tournament. Everybody has been talking about it for days. Now go on. Cat and I will manage just fine. Another jab of pain to her calf accompanied the words.

Okay. Wish me luck.

Luck! yelled Cat. Wildn luck! She happily waved a fist in the air.

Samantha sighed softly, then smiled. Sweetheart, someday I'll have to teach you my first name.

Janeway laughed lightly. In a military situation where first names were rarely used, it was no wonder that Cat called her mother by their last name. Something we can work on, she promised. And Samantha -

Wildman paused on her way out the door. Yes?

The captain lowered her voice and glanced furtively into the corridor before saying, Give Tom Paris a whipping. It would do his cocky ego a bit of good to get trounced.

Has he been gloating again?

You know Tom. He sits at the conn and radiates confidence. I've been staring laser beams into the back of his head all week and it hasn't made a bit of difference; he's so... smug.

I'll beat him this time, Captain. Tonight is the downfall of Tom Paris, hoverball menace! Samantha Wildman gripped her racket tighter, gave it a twirl, and headed at a trot down the hall.

The captain watched her go, then returned her attention to her charge. Cat grinned up at her, completely unconcerned that her mother had just disappeared. The girl's ready acceptance of each new caregiver as she was passed from crewmember to crewmember, day in, day out, never stopped surprising Kathryn. She harbored too many unpleasant memories of the excruciating crying tantrums she'd endured while baby-sitting her sister's children to take anything for granted just yet. But Cat seemed to be perfectly adjusted to the unusual system Samantha had devised for her daughter's baby-sitters - out of simple necessity, whoever was available was it. One good aspect of that system was that Cat knew every member of the crew. At least by their last names.

Smiling at her thoughts, Kathryn bent down. Well, let's get a good look at you. I haven't seen you for two days. Have you grown any today? The girl shook her head, her short brown hair bouncing into her eyes. Are you sure? A solemn nod followed. But you'll tell me if you do - I don't want to miss any growing or anything. Okay?


The mimicry made the captain's smile grow. This was a game that many of the crew had played with Cat, and she was learning a great deal of words at an astonishing rate. Kathryn decided to play a little. Cat, say Samantha.


No, Saaaamantha.


Close enough. Now who's you're mommy?


Yep, that's my Cat. Janeway scooped her into her arms and looked around the Wildman's quarters. A few toys were scattered near the couch, and some leftover dinner remained on the table in the living area. Samantha had a rule that nobody ever had to pick up after the Wildman family while baby-sitting, though most crewmembers were more than willing to lend a helping hand. Just keeping up with Voyager's first child was a job in itself, and Samantha was often exhausted from her daughter's exuberance. Kathryn always tried to sneak a little general cleaning into her baby-sitting shifts. She didn't mind, and if the captain didn't help, what would the crew think?

She dismissed the sardonic thoughts that sprang to mind and said, So, what should we do tonight? Do you want to play blocks? Would you like to build? The set of blocks that Commander Chakotay had carved were in a discarded supply container beside the bedroom door.

But Cat shook her head. No! she said emphatically. Go out.

Janeway's brows rose. A mischievous look crossed her face. Ah. You're saying we should do the tour.

Yes. The too, wib my Jane. Cat pushed against Kathryn's shoulder until the captain was forced to set her down. The minute her feet touched the floor, the girl was at the door. Only the locking sensor recalibrated to seal the door when small objects approached stopped her from tearing happily into the corridor.

I'm coming. Wait a minute. Janeway released the safety mechanism and the door swooshed aside. Take my hand. Cat. Caterina! You know the rules. If you don't stay with me, we don't go on tour.

In her haste to grab the offered hand, Cat tripped on her own feet and fell to the carpeted deck. Undeterred, she rose again, a bit unsteady at first until she found her balance, then danced impatiently at Janeway's side while the door closed and locked behind them.

Let's go.

Cat led the way down the corridor, dragging Janeway as much as a toddler could, and headed directly for the nearest turbolift.

Once inside the small lift, Janeway gave a command and they began moving swiftly through the ship. You know, Cat, I've always liked the turbolift. When I was young, I remember that my mother would ride with me all over the ships when we were on vacations. It was years before I understood why we ended up some place completely different than where we started. Oh, I wasn't dumb, I think perhaps I just didn't want to understand - it was magic if I didn't think about it too hard. She glanced around the tiny, enclosed space and sighed wistfully. I'll admit that sometimes I still want to jump in a lift and just ride and ride....

The lift slowed as the ride neared its end. The door slid quietly aside and Janeway glanced out. An empty corridor beckoned. With a sigh of relief she exited the lift and turned right at the first intersection. I don't believe I'm sneaking around my own ship for this, she complained to herself. Have you no shame, Kathryn? Where's your dignity, that captainly aura of nobility that you're always supposed to have? But it was no use reprimanding herself; she loved being with Cat too much to stop her protective attitude towards her baby-sitting shifts. Kathryn knew from experience that if she wasn't careful, secretive, and downright selfish about these times, somebody with some obscure problem from some department would track her down and demand her attention. It happened more often than it didn't. Her nagging sense of duty always got the better of her in these situations, and she ended up passing Cat off to the nearest available person and disappearing into the interminable responsibilities of commanding a starship. It was irritating.

So she hid, giving Cat her tours in deserted areas of the ship, hoping that nothing would happen, and if something did, that nobody could find her.

Hopefully everybody will bother Chakotay tonight, she said aloud, telling the child her thoughts, not caring if Cat was too young to understand. It's surely his turn to be annoyed by the doctor or Stellar Cartography. I think I've paid my dues for the week.

The curving corridor beckoned and the two began a lurching walk through the empty space. First Cat led, then Kathryn, then Cat, each trying to stay in front of the other in a perpetual game of follow the leader. Kathryn was soon jogging lightly to keep up with the toddler's energetic pace, a foolish grin plastered on her face.

Well, Cat, I'm just as glad that nobody can see us right now. You're hair's flying all over the place, and I probably look like an idiot; a Starfleet officer chasing a two year old child in the corridors of an Intrepid class starship. I don't think the architects had anything like this in mind when they designed this ship. It wasn't exactly built for sprints down the corridors. I'm not sure I was built for this, either! Kathryn paused as Cat's attention suddenly diverted to studying the controls of a jeffries tube access hatch. Glad of the rest, the captain sucked in air, trying to create a reserve in her lungs before the next marathon began.

I'm getting old, Cat. I can hardly keep up with you anymore. But don't tell anybody - I could never live it down. No, don't push that - damn. When did you learn how to open access panels? Kathryn quickly reached forward and wrapped a hand around one foot as Cat started to scramble through the opening and into the empty jeffries access chamber.

Cat let out a squeal of excitement and tried to encourage Kathryn to follow her. I don't think so, Janeway replied. Not today, at least. Come on, Catty, come out. Maybe we can tour the jeffries tube some other time - when I have some help in keeping track of you, she added under her breath. She pulled, then grabbed the squirming girl around her waist and hauled her back into the corridor. Cat made one more lunge, but Kathryn was ready for her this time. The access hatch was closed and sealed with a five minute captain's override before Cat could gather herself for a third attempt. Even if they stayed where they were, five minutes was more than enough time for Cat to forget about the hatch and zero in on something else.

The girl turned a scowl on Janeway, and her lower lip stuck out. There was no doubt about her feelings on the subject right now.

I know, Cat. Life isn't always fair. You can't go into the jeffries tubes, and I can't have a baby.... Good grief, where did that thought come from? Kathryn plunked down on the deck and stared at the wall, surprised and unusually distressed at that thought. She looked at Cat, who was now eye to eye with her. Maybe it's because I was thinking about Lieutenant Bartlow; I was talking about Stellar Cartography, after all. Cat, you should see her. She's getting bigger every day. I saw her patting her stomach just this morning. Janeway heaved a deep sigh into the empty corridor. I don't know why I like watching this pregnancy so much, but I can't seem to help myself. I mean no disrespect, Cat, but I was too worried about having children on Voyager to completely appreciate yours and Samantha's time.

Ssssmantha, Cat breathed into Kathryn's face, then wrapped her short arms around her captain's neck.

Kathryn smiled, her thoughts momentarily diverted. Very good! But I hope you don't think I'm Samantha. Cat fell into her lap and the two curled against each other. Baby smells still wafted from Cat, sweet and a little musky and most definitely enticing. Oh, Cat, you always know when I need a good hug. You're such a lover, such a good hugger. Cat planted a sloppy kiss on her cheek, more a wet pause of mouth to cheek than a kiss. I think we need to practice the kissing, though. Perhaps Chakotay can work with us on that.

A wicked smile threatened to lift the corners of her lips, and she let herself grin for a second, then she cleared her throat and forced her features under control again. With pursed lips, she thoughtfully studied the little girl. It's a good thing you're not articulate enough yet to go yelling what I tell you all over the ship. The crew would... well, the crew would love it, but that doesn't mean I would. Kathryn looked around. What I need is a distraction. Her gaze fell on a computer panel. Let's see if you remember how to work the sensor controls.

They climbed awkwardly to their feet, hands and legs getting tangled with trousers and shirttails. Kathryn hoisted Cat into her arms and crossed to the panel on the wall. A graphic of Voyager took prominent place on the display, surrounded by glowing buttons and scrolling data. Computer, Janeway ordered, place internal sensor controls to panel J7, corridor two, section C.

*Acknowledged. Sensor controls now in place,* said the computer's lilting voice.

Cat glanced over her shoulder, up the hall, down the hall, at the floor, and up to the ceiling to locate the disembodied voice. Puter, go! she ordered.

That's the way, Cat, make the voice loud and authoritative. It's a solid style for command. You'll be captain before you're twelve. She pushed a series of buttons with her left hand, struggling to hold Cat high enough to reach the panel with her right. You and I are pretty similar in that way, aren't we, Cat? We're both loud and bossy. I guess neither of us could ever have a command style like, oh, say Chakotay for example. He's so calm and quiet, and asks questions and makes requests. Following his orders is like being allowed to do him a big favor. I've never been able to figure out how he does it. When I think I've got his methods pinned down, he starts in on something completely different. I'll tell you something, Cat; part of me wishes I could have been under his command in the Maquis - now that would have been interesting. But only if he built me another bathtub. The grin threatened to overtake her features again, and she shook her head to clear it.

Yeb u eady Jane u gi it, Cat intoned seriously, willingly offering her advice. Then she stuck her finger in her mouth.

I have no idea what you just said, but we won't let that stop us. Okay, they're ready, Cat. Do you remember what to do? How to narrow the search pattern down to show us on the wall monitor?

Cat nodded, then mashed her hand against the panel. Several distressing sounding beeps issued from the mechanism.

Use one finger. Like this. Kathryn spread her feet wider and planted her boots firmly on the floor to find her equilibrium while holding a thirty pound child, then did her best to center that child on her right hip, which even after two years didn't have much practice at this type of balancing act. She held Cat's hand with her own, slowly taking her through the series of sensor commands, punching the panel with Cat's wet index finger.

Narrow it down a little more - here, push this. Good. Now switch to this band, and screen out some of the interference... Oh, there's your mom at the tournament. We'll go back to that in a minute. A little more.... If Tuvok caught anybody using the sensors like this... but I have captain's prerogative, and Tuvok is stuck on the Bridge. Kathryn smiled in satisfaction at the thought of somebody else being in control so that she could have time to play with the sensors. She giggled softly. Cat echoed her. We'll laugh about this and not tell Mr. Tuvok.

I tell not. Nothing, Cat whispered in concentration. She pulled her hand away from Janeway's and carefully pushed two more buttons.

Very good! But we're a little off - if we slide them to port just a little.... There! There we are. Take a look at us. Can you wave?

Cat waved at the wall panel, and the sensors showed her waving back, almost as if she faced a mirror. Kathryn grinned, then grimaced as in her excitement, Cat grabbed a handful of her ponytail. Kathryn allowed herself to be dragged two steps to the right as she fought to extricate her hair from those strong fingers. Cat, let go. You'll pull out my hair, and Starfleet already has enough bald captains as it is. Let -

Look! Cat said suddenly.

No, let go, Cat.

Look. Mantha look a the go fortelt! Cat let go of Kathryn's hair and pointed vigorously at the wall panel, then started to laugh. Hi! Hi! Cotayhi!

Kathryn paused to try to figure out what the girl was talking about. She leaned in closer to the wall panel, suddenly noticing a second pair of black boots appearing behind her in the picture. She looked closer still, moved Cat to her left hip. Then her eyes widened, and she blushed in sudden embarrassment.

Oh, she said.

Contents || Chapter 2