Disclaimer: Don't own anything, and I'm even trying to sell my car, so I won't even own that pretty soon. I better sell the car for a lot of money, since I didn't make a single cent off this piece of fanfiction... Anybody want to buy a car?
General Jack O'Neill hated grocery shopping, but it seemed that lately, he was always at the local grocery store, buying food. It also seemed that every time he was actually allowed to leave the SGC and go home, he was inevitably out of food, or what food he had was spoiled. He didn't know how many cartons of milk he had been forced to pour down his kitchen sink since he had taken over at the SGC. General Hammond had never warned him that the job would demand more sacrifices of him than just his time. He always watched the white liquid milk chug down his kitchen drain the few times he received leave. And spoiled milk always stank, too. Life could be deceptively rotten, he admitted to himself. Rotten, and smelly.
And the ice cream! He had taken to eating an entire tub at one sitting (one of the small tubs, admittedly, but still..!). If he left the carton in his freezer, there was no telling when he would be able to finish eating it again. As many times as he had poured his spoiled milk down his sink, he had found crystallized ice cream in his freezer. Ice cream crystals were less appetizing to him than a Goa'uld searching for a new host.
Therefore, he was aiming for the frozen goods section of the grocery store, pulling his cart along behind him. His cart was full of the canned goods that he had already selected for purchase, food that wouldn't become spoiled over time.
But not so for the ice cream he wanted to buy, or the milk he'd already loaded into his cart. He was determined to head home in another few moments, to drink a tall glass of cool milk (it might be the only one he got from the entire half gallon) and to eat ice cream. He was thinking that a small tub of Ben and Jerry's brand Double Chocolate Fudge ice cream was just what he wanted. Teal'c had started his love affair with chocolate ice cream while the General had still been a member of SG-1, and that love hadn't changed when his promotion from Colonel to General had come through. So, his mouth already watering as if he could taste the frozen desert on his tongue, he half pushed, half dragged his cart across the aisle from the milk, towards the frozen dessert section. He wanted to just stare at the store's selection of many ice cream flavors before he made his same choice, as he did every time. He could taste the ice cream already, even as he began to peer at all the possible choices he could make from the store's many cases.
But when he had pushed his cart aside, and went to stand next to the blonde lady also gazing at the ice cream, her back to him, he was surprised as hell to find that he was staring not at ice cream, but at the tear streaked face belonging to Sam Carter. In fact, he was so surprised to see her there, in the middle of his grocery store, far from her own home, that he forgot to look at the ice cream selections altogether.
he blurted, astonished at seeing her in the
middle of a weekend, far from her own house and local grocery
store, staring in transfixed silence at all the imaginable kinds
of ice cream flavors.
She abruptly turned her head to look at him when she heard
her name issued in his voice, unable to cover the strained,
tired, depressed expression on her face quickly enough to keep
him from seeing it. She tried to smile at him, but the gesture
came off as terribly weak. Hi, Sir,
she said instead as a
way to distract him. But he clearly proved to be undistractable
as his concern grew at the sight of her stained skin. As a
second attempt to force his attention away from her, she glanced
at the cart beside him.
She suddenly, and very sadly, sighed at the sight of his
full cart, though he had no idea what was so sad about groceries.
Doing grocery shopping, I see,
she pointed out in a morose
sounding voice.
He eyed her, and couldn't help staring in even more concern
at her face. What's wrong?
he immediately inquired
instead of answering her rhetorical question. You look like
someone just ran over your dog.
He leaned in, then, and
grinned a small grin in her direction. Only I know that
didn't happen, because you don't own a dog.
Despite how sad she obviously was, she chuckled at his joke.
You're right, no one ran over my pet dog.
She stopped in
order to sniffle, then stood, unmoving, and saying nothing, her
arms crossed defensively over her chest. She stood that way, a
statue of silent misery, for several minutes. Neither of them
moved an inch. At last, she said in a low, whispery voice,
You shouldn't feel like you have to stay here just because I
look like the world has ended.
In a tone that held nothing but caring, perhaps more than he
should show, (but he couldn't help himself at the sight of her
obvious distress), he said, No, I don't feel like I have to
stay... I've got nowhere else that I have to be...
Then he
regarded his full grocery cart. Except home, unloading all
this food...
Then he turned back to look at her. But
I'll stay as long as you're upset... What's bothering you,
Carter? Is it your dad again?
They had attended Jacob
Carter's funeral only last week, and Jack knew that Sam had
managed to maintain control by only a thin thread since then.
Actually, he'd been waiting for her to break down just like this
ever since the funeral.
But Sam was shaking her head. No... I mean, yeah, I
miss Dad... a lot, actually... but that isn't it.
Then, what is 'it?'
Jack asked. You never
cried while we were on SG-1... And there were plenty of reasons
to cry then... This must be awfully... awful..,
he lamely
Again, she sighed. Actually...
She paused to gaze
at him, judging him for a moment. She must have either reached a
decision to talk to the old friend that he had become, or to
trust her commanding General with her thoughts, for she finally
just told him. Actually, I was thinking of drowning my
sorrows, and eating an entire tub of ice cream. And I was at the
house that Pete bought for us before we broke up, and I ended up
coming here... since I was in the area... and now, I'm
Jack didn't want to talk about the house she'd almost... he balked... almost?... owned, but he at least understood the art of trying to drown one's sorrows in ice cream. He'd done the same thing often enough right after Charlie had died.
But what did Carter have to be sorrowful about? Besides the
obvious? Jack dredged through his mind, trying to come up with
any reason that he knew about that might have upset her. Yet, he
was stumped. So, he asked her. Why do you want to drown your
sorrows in ice cream?
Sam sighed for a third time. I do that every time I get
Jack stared at her in puzzlement. You just said that you
weren't upset about Jacob... What's depressed you? Is it that
he asked. He timidly shuffled his feet, his reaction
to every time she mentioned that house. But just yesterday,
you told me that you didn't much care for it.
Sam turned to him again with a jerk of her body, and she
suddenly blurted a question of her own that completely changed
the subject of their discussion. Do you think that there's
something wrong with me?
Jack's eyebrows rose to his hair. Wrong with you?
repeated. What was she getting at? Of course not. But...
Wrong... how?
Sam sighed one more time, then turned to contemplate the
closed freezer door they were standing in front of. A shudder
coursed through her. This relationship stuff,
announced. I can't seem to get it right, and...
Of course you got it right!
Jack forced himself to
tell her. You were engaged, after all...
But Sam was shaking her head the moment the word 'engaged'
left his mouth. 'Were..,'
she mournfully repeated.
I'm not now.
She closed her eyes, as if fighting off some
particularly bad memory, and whispered again, Not anymore.
She was as distressed about the fact that she had another failed
relationship under her belt as much as for that failed
relationship itself.
Jack's brows lifted even higher. Relief at her ended
relationship with that Denver cop engulfed him once again the
minute she spoke of it, and he fought to hide the sensation from
leaking out to show in his own expression. He hadn't heard a
thing about any 'ending of her engagement' from the SGC rumor
mill... Daniel had whispered it to him just an hour before...
but he couldn't be secretly more thrilled at her news.
You're... You're not engaged anymore, right?
He wanted
to make sure himself. Jack was still so astounded to actually
hear her say those words that he could barely talk.
Sam reported, confirming his beliefs. Not
any more. I ended it.
A silent moment passed while Jack tried to internalize her words, and not shout in triumph at the same time.
In a contained voice that was almost as quiet as a whisper,
she added, I didn't have much of a choice.
After another
silent moment went by, where Jack's questioning gaze inquired why
she felt that she'd had no choice in this 'ending of her
engagement' matter, she shook her head. I loved him,
certainly, but was never in love with him,
explained. Though, I have to wonder why...
She looked at
Jack then out of watery, distressed eyes that were startling blue
from her recent tears. He was kind... Gentle... Caring...
The perfect person to marry,
she wistfully said, if in a
sarcastic way, as if she couldn't believe what she had just done,
but had gone ahead and done it anyway. Yet I had about as
much true love for him as the Goa'uld have for us
Jack knew that she had to be very upset in order to mention classified terminology like 'Goa'uld' aloud in a public grocery store. He also could only think that he cared about her as much as any man could care for her, even if he had been unable to illustrate how very much he cared. In fact, his hand reached up to brush tenderly against her shoulder even now. But before he could do anything, she turned to face him once more.
Am I just destined to never get married, or what?
desperately asked him, her tears threatening to start falling
anew. Maybe I'm too...
You're not 'too' anything,
Jack blurted then, knowing
only that he wanted to wipe away the unhappiness he was seeing on
her face. Don't even think that you are.
Sam turned back to face the displayed cartons of ice cream.
Oh, you're just saying that to be nice because you've worked
with me for years,
she excused. But all I know how to do
is save the world, and talk scientific babble that nobody
understands, and...
Jack glanced down at his shoes resting on the store's
scuffed linoleum floor. He couldn't argue with her that he
rarely understood all the technical things she said. But...
I've I always liked your techno babble... talk... stuff,
he confessed. Still do.
She turned on him again, but there was pleased surprise
showing right next to her desire to cry, now. You
Jack nodded. Sure. I sometimes call you into my office
just to hear you talk about something or other... It's
relaxing... Helps me see solutions to problems that I haven't
considered yet because I'm always so uptight, and...
voice trailed off before he ended up saying too much. He
probably had already said too much.
But Sam was grinning at him through her tears, and this time
her smile was more genuine than it had been since he'd
unexpectedly encountered her at the grocery store.
she asked, sounding like she didn't entirely
believe what he was telling her, but that she wanted to badly
believe all of his words.
Jack reinforced his previous statement. I
do... I mean, I do all that... all the time.
His voice
trailed off again.
Sam turned back to the ice cream. Well...
Then, she
suddenly sighed, and shook her head, all signs of happiness at
his commentary gone. Damn,
she whispered. I'm doing
it again.
Jack gazed at her quizzically. Doing what?
What was
she getting at? And did he have to read her mind in order to get
a straight answer out of her?
But, in spite of his questions, Sam remained stubbornly silent, and just stared at the ice cream.
Jack prompted at last. Earth to Colonel
I'm hiding from telling the truth again,
Sam quickly
admitted in a quiet voice. I'm...
She rolled her eyes as
she heaved a breath. I'm doing an encore performance of lying
through my teeth to you... I'm not telling you the
Jack also heaved a sigh. Okaaay...
She wasn't
telling him something that she wanted to? What's going
he accusatorily asked. You're not making much sense,
and the Carter I know makes sense most of the time,
I'm in love with you,
she blurted on a teary whisper.
She wiped away the water leaking from her eyes while he stared at
her in open-eyed shock... not necessarily at what she had
confessed, but that she had put voice to her feelings for him at
all. That's why I couldn't marry... him.
She took a
second shuddering breath as she continued on, and kept wiping at
her wet cheeks. Then she faced his surprised expression. I'm
sorry... I shouldn't have told you that... I'll just go...
I'll ask for an assignment somewhere else... Get out of your
She sounded so... defeated.
Jack's heart was still doing flips inside his chest at her
earlier words about loving him. Now that he was over his shocked
astonishment, he wanted to grin and dance around the grocery
aisle. Instead, he tried to remain dignified, and behave in a
sedate way more befitting an Air Force General. But
simultaneously, that didn't stop him from feeling like he was
lighter than the air around them. Carter, you've never been
'in my hair,'
he softly noted, echoing her own words back to
her. It was the first thing he could think of to say that might
make her reconsider such a rash choice as asking for a
reassignment. I don't want you to go to another base.
Jack also drew in a deep breath, and as he did so, comprehended
why she had done the same... It bolstered flagging courage.
The SGC needs you..,
he said.
Sam snorted. Is that all?
she reviled. The SGC
would get along just fine without me.
Jack again said the first words that popped into his head.
But I won't.
Sam gave another jerk towards him. She took a shivery
breath, then asked him, Do you mean that you wouldn't get
along without me as the leader of the SGC, or..?
No, that's not how I mean it,
Jack confided before he
lost his inner push to divulge this secret of his own.
Sam stared at him, and Jack wondered what she was thinking behind that enigmatic gaze if hers.
Come on,
he suddenly said. Let's get out of
he reached into the freezer they were standing before,
and pulled out two tubs of Double Chocolate Fudge ice cream,
tossed them both in his full cart, then grabbed her by her
Sam followed him, letting him lead her to the cashiers at
the front of the store, just like he'd been leading her places
for the last several years. Jack unloaded his cart of all the
food he wanted to purchase, paid for it, then grabbed the bags in
his hands. Come on,
he said to her once again. Let's
take my truck. There's no way I'm letting you drive when you're
this upset... This agonized... This... um... this...
He gave her one handful of bags he had been
carrying, then wrapped his fingers around her wrist again, not
hard enough to detain her, but with warmth, as if he valued what
he was holding. He strode through the front doors, Sam
following. She was being so quiet, so cooperative, that he felt
he needed to add, Besides, we need to... talk.
His voice
was so serious that she could never misinterpret his intent.
He loaded his groceries and hers into the back of the cab of
his truck, opened the drivers' door, said, After you,
followed her into the cab of his vehicle.
Jack drove out of the store parking lot at a fairly sedate rate, though Sam didn't notice much about his driving technique, as she had leaned her forehead against the passenger window, closed her eyes, and didn't speak again, not even when he glanced at her. She merely brushed the odd tear away as it oozed from her eyes, and glistened wetly as it traveled a path down her white cheek. Jack made no move toward her except to cover her hand with his as it rested on the seat between them. Considering how rarely he had touched her in the decade since he'd met her, it was a bold move on his part.
Firmly holding her fingers, Jack drove left handed back to his house, which didn't take long, as the grocery store was only a few blocks away. He stopped the truck in his driveway, and they climbed out of the vehicle the same way they had climbed in. Jack grabbed the bag containing the two tubs of ice cream he had bought, then proceeded to the front door. He opened it, stored the frozen desert in his freezer, grabbed an old, ugly brown blanket from the closet in his entryway, and pulled her out his side door and onto his deck. The entire time, neither of them had said a word.
Jack flung the blanket over his shoulders, settled back into one of the two white Adirondack chairs that graced his deck, then pulled her down onto his lap, and wrapped the ends of the blanket around her. The day was cold and gray, and a wind that held no warmth strafed over them and their blanket. But no frigid air snuck into the nest he had made with her, and only their cheeks glowed red with the cold as she rested her head against his shoulder. It was fairly certain, however, that no one would hear anything they said to each other if they were outside, as it was too cold and dreary to be a very popular place to spend time.
Jack said, his arms firmly ensconced around
her sides. Comfy?
he whispered in her ear.
Sam nodded, the only sign she had made in the last twenty minutes that she was even aware that another person was with her.
Jack commented. He glanced at her, then
smiled, and finally allowed himself the luxurious sensation of
rubbing his cheek against the skin of her forehead. So..,
he began, still smiling, though his voice was so soft, it barely
filtered to her hearing, even though her ear was practically
underneath his lips. He decided that he would let his lips get
some satisfaction out of this situation before he started
talking, and maybe destroy their current bubble of cozy
'togetherness' by speaking his words in the first place. That
would be just his luck, he cynically thought to himself. So, he
turned his head just a fraction towards her, and rubbed against
her forehead. Then he went so far as to gently kiss that
treasured skin, but he refused to let himself think about the
possible consequences of his action; it was too scary to think
about the aftermath of such affection in too much detail.
he repeated. You think that you're in love with
he forced himself to gently ask after a gulp of air that
choked his tight throat.
I don't think it,
Sam stressed woodenly without
opening her eyes. I know it.
Jack was silent for a minute then, just glorying in the feel
of her finally in his arms, even if it was simply a way for her
to stay warm. But she tightened her grip on him, and he was
grinning once more at the confession she'd just made. At last,
he couldn't stay quiet a second longer. You know, that's
about the best thing anybody's ever said to me.
Sam heaved in another sad breath. I can't imagine
she told him. Me saying such a thing will only cause
a lot of trouble for you, and...
Jack quietly interrupted her. There's no trouble when I
tell you that I've only been waiting for you to say those words
so that I would find the courage to say my own confession.
He also heaved in a breath of cold, damp air. I love you too,
ya know, and I've hated having to stay quiet all these years,
hated your engagement, but was happy that you were able to be
happy yourself, at least, and...
she cut him off. She lifted up her head so
that she could stare him in his eyes. Her eyes still held tears
shimmering in them. What did you say?
Jack regarded her out of a gaze that burned with the truth
of his words, both concerning the past and present. I hated
having to be quiet all these years, but the regs...
And speaking of the regs,
Sam said.
What about them?
he asked.
Sam simply gazed at him, and finally asked, How..?
She took a deep breath, and tried again. How... or what... do
you think about them now?
She stared at him. I mean, why
did you decide that now is the right time to break them
Why did you?
he softly countered. His arms squeezed
her a bit tighter under their warming blanket. She was so cute
when she was confused, as she obviously was right now.
he thoughtfully explained when she continued to
just stare at him, waiting for an answer to her question.
Because you reminded me that the moment I've been dreading for
months... That day of your marriage... It isn't going to take
he went on in a soft, pensive tone of voice. And
ages ago I promised myself that if this time ever, by some
miracle, happened, I would immediately take advantage of it, regs
or no regs.
He turned to face her. I'm not about to let
you go a second time. Even I can only be that stupid once
in a lifetime.
Sam stared at him, her eyes flicking over his features,
coming to rest on his own brown eyes until she saw that he was
telling her the truth. You're not stupid,
contradicted at last, so she wouldn't have to specifically deal
with what he was divulging to her.
Yes, I am,
he instantly and firmly negated. When
it comes to you, I am,
he asserted.
But she was shaking her head. No,
she whispered.
If you had said those same words to me any time before now, I
might not have been miserable enough to run to you, and search
for 'us.' Instead, I'm sitting here on your lap, the nicest place
to be in the whole Universe...
Nicer even than Nirti's pleasure palace?
he teasingly
Picking up on his joke, but not entirely thrilled to let it
remind her of more bad memories that she would just as soon
forget, she had to snort again, this time in contradiction of
what he was asking. If I recall, I almost ended up being a
puddle on the floor during that particular mission... And
usually you're the only one who can turn me into a puddle on the
I was so scared then,
he admitted to her. So
scared that I was going to lose you like I had already lost
But you didn't,
she told him, her eyes closed against
the world once again.
Jack rested his forehead against her blonde hair, letting
the ends of her hairs tickle his nose, and gratefully sighed.
Thank goodness I didn't lose you,
he breathed. Thank
goodness... I don't know how I could have gone on without you
His voice trailed off, and he just held her in arms
that suddenly shook from what was often his worst nightmare.
I was so scared,
he said again, repeating himself as a way
to stress his own heartache at the time.
Sam instinctively understood what he wasn't saying. I
could only think of you, too,
she said. How you would
take it if the worst happened, and I died...
Jack's arms tightened, and this time he couldn't quite hold
back his own tears that worked their way through his eyes. He
was forced to let them manifest themselves as a tiny streaks of
emotion. I'm so glad that you didn't.
He hugged her just
a tiny bit tighter.
Sam hugged him back. And I did everything that I could
to help you get away from Ba'al that time you were
You did enough,
he told her. Like you always
He kissed her forehead again, more firmly this time.
It was up to me to take advantage of the situation you gave
He sighed once more. I knew you would come through
for me, though. I just had to be patient, and not lose my sanity
while I was waiting.
I wanted to hug you the second you walked down the
Stargate ramp,
Sam divulged in a soft voice. But General
Hammond was there, that girl was there, all those other people
Jack cut her off this time. You helped me get through
that time with Ba'al more than you know. Thank you.
Part of that was just doing my job,
Sam explained.
Though I was doing it with perhaps more fervor than was
absolutely necessary.
Jack stared at her then, helpless to not let his emotions
show clearly as they ran across his face. He looked partly
joyful, and partly terrified. The two parts chased each other in
an agonized race across the planes of his features as he looked
into her blue eyes. Sam, I...
He began one more time.
But he couldn't explain his feelings for her this
time, either. So instead of trying to speak, useless as that
attempt may have been, he leaned in closer to her, whispered,
I love everything about you, especially the way you talk
technology mumbo jumbo that I don't understand.
And he
kissed her with one of his hands splayed on her cold cheek, and
the other on her shoulder under the blanket in order to keep her
Sam kissed him back with all the intensity that she had previously channeled into her former misery. Her own feelings surged under the power of his emotions for her, catapulting her heart into her throat. She clung to him, her kiss equally as passionate as his, as emotive, as glorious.
When it had ended only because they needed air in order to
survive, she gasped in the cold wind as it blew across them on
his deck, and leaned her head into his chest. I couldn't
marry him because you're the only person that I could ever
she told him, the words bursting out of her as if her
emotional floodgates that had been holding back her feelings for
him for years had finally overflowed. Just you, and I tried
to get past whatever it was I had for you, I really tried, but I
was such an idiot to ever think that I could do anything
Jack was kissing her again, searing her soul with a passion that was so strong as to be almost scary, touching her feelings in places that she hadn't even been aware existed. She whimpered as he pulled her even closer than she had been to him before. He swallowed her sound just before threading fingers into hair, pulling her head closer, locking it into place, his hold keeping the other from inadvertently escaping. Neither of them planned to ever let the other go.
The minute that her lips left his, Sam illustrated her instant and unquestioning surrender by moving her caresses to his neck, down to the collarbone left free of his shirt, and she gently bit into the skin along his throat.
Jack sucked in a cold breath of air at her action, enjoying
the shiver that tore up his spine at the feel of her teeth.
Jesus, Carter, where did you learn to do that?
he grated
into her ear.
Reading romance novels when I was a teenager,
told him. Only those books never read like this felt so good
to the characters in those books...
Romance novels, huh?
he asked, forcing his voice
through the haze that was quickly wrapping around him as her
hands moved from his back to caress his skin under his shirt. He
was going to suggest that they move their activity to his bedroom
when one of her wandering hands happened to 'wander' right over
his erection hidden by his trousers. Oh, God, Carter,
groaned. He didn't think he could move now for anything.
You're going to kill me, or I'm going to explode, whichever
happens first.
I'm going to make you explode,
she told him with not
a hint of remorse in her whisper. Not like the Goa'uld
fireballs in the sky, but in the other way, like I've dreamed
about doing for years...
Her fingers passed once more over
his erection, and he groaned again at her light touch.
Carter... Sam..,
Jack breathed.
That was when it began to rain, lightly at first, quickly turning into a downpour that soaked through the blanket wrapped around them, and through their clothes to reach their skin.
Jack squinted against the water falling into his eyes, and
looked up at the cloudy gray sky before locking his gaze with
hers. This isn't exactly what I had in mind for this
Sam couldn't help but laugh. I like you soggy as well as
I like you dry.
It's a good thing..,
Jack mumbled.
Then he pushed her off him, out of the clingy wet of the blanket, and steered her, laughing, into the house. The warmth hit them like a physical force the second they came in and shut the door leading out onto his deck. They dripped puddles onto his clean floor as they removed shoes, socks, and blanket, throwing them all into his dryer. He took a side trip into his bedroom to find sweat pants and a sweatshirt for her before finding some dry clothes for himself as well. All the time he was searching for clothes for them, he was thinking that he should just rip her wet clothes from her and enjoy whatever he found underneath them... But, he respected her too much to capitulate so easily to the emotions that he had held in check for so long, to give in without so much as fighting them for a moment longer.
Sam looked clearly disappointed as he handed her the dry clothes, and ushered her into his bathroom to change. Her expression stayed with him so consistently that, the minute he had changed clothes, he was waiting for her in his living room, on his couch/love seat, and he swept her into another heartstopping kiss the second after she emerged.
But that was all Jack did, much to Sam's ever frustrated sense of deportment. But again, Jack's respect for her was too strong to ignore completely. She was mostly glad about the amount he naturally respected her, as any woman would be overjoyed at such regard. But another part of her, the part that tingled and flipped at each of his touches, wanted him to be less of the gentleman than he was determined to be. She wanted to see his wild side, the side that allowed him to shoot at things, to enjoy big explosions, to love her so unconditionally. She half wanted to feel his hands everywhere on her skin, even the forbidden parts... especially the forbidden parts...
she started to say.
But he would have none of her lead ins. Sam,
intoned instead. We need to talk about this.
I don't want to talk,
she insisted. I want to
feel all of you instead.
Sam ran her hands enticingly over
his erection again.
The move made Jack jump, in spite of his so-called control.
he groaned, panted, whined, his voice sounding half
despairing, and half entreating. Stop. No... You may think
you want this sort of thing right now... Hell, I want
this sort of thing right now... But we would only hate ourselves
if we didn't talk about this first.
You go ahead and hate yourself,
Sam told him, and
kissed his chest again through the material of his dry t-shirt.
I would rather make you explode...
Then Sam leaned into
him and captured his head with her hands so that she could kiss
him in a searing display of burgeoning affection.
Jesus, when had she learned to kiss him so... sweetly? he wondered. God, she was hot!
Somehow, Jack resisted her touch. Sam...
Don't wanna talk...
Her hands spread her fingers
wide over the skin of his chest.
Usually, she was the one who wanted to spend time talking. This was truly ironic, he decided. Ironic, in a really aggravating way.
But, at the same time, Jack didn't want her to feel in any
way sad about this encounter with him, either. He wanted her to
understand... But she was rubbing her fingers over his stomach
and chest, now. He closed his eyes to shut out any sight of her
mesmerizing features. He was so close to the edge as it was...
Geez, Carter, your fingers are so warm, considering we just
got so wet...
she asked, her voice hoarse with
Oh, God, yes,
he answered, his eyes screwed firmly
shut, his head back, reveling in the feel of her hands anywhere
they wanted to be. The idea of talking, and his sense of natural
deportment, was quickly diminishing as the seconds ticked by. He
couldn't resist her for much longer, and he knew it.
Sam pushed into his front, and fire shot up his spine to
encompass his entire body in the tingles that had started in his
chest. His groin was all but throbbing, now. Still want to
say something to me?
God, I love you,
he immediately whispered as if his
life depended on uttering those four words.
I love you more,
she told him.
The feel of her lips on the skin of his neck was so incredibly warm! He was almost ready to surrender to her... He could feel it... He was spinning from all the sensations she was unleashing in him with just the pass of her hand over his stomach.
Then, Sam's fingers lazily stroked his erection once more.
In a blaze of passion, Jack was lost, flung into his raging emotions for her that tore against his restraint. He returned her next kiss with as much fervor for her as she was displaying for him. This was no longer a case of two colleagues sharing stray threads of affection for each other. This was raw, and hot, and demanding, and wet, and stark... This was utterly glorious in the most primitive possible way.
Before either of them knew it, they had slipped down on his
couch. Jack leaned into Sam. Sam drew Jack tightly into her
desperately growing embrace. She pushed her hips up against his
in an unmistakable manner, one that could mean only one thing.
And his groin reacted to her in the only way it could... It
throbbed for her... Searched for her... Yearned for any
connection to her insides... He wanted her, so badly... Oh,
God, this is not good...
Yes, it is...
Sam was panting, now, straining
against him, yanking his t-shirt over his head, pulling off her
own. Her underwear was in the dryer, so he could feel all of
her, and it was an intense experience as he touched, and licked,
and kissed, and sucked at all of her exposed skin...
Sam arched her back, levering her chest into him. I want
to feel all of you,
she whispered against the skin of his
chest. I want to feel your softness, your warmth, your
heat... I want you...
Had Sam Carter just whispered that she wanted... him? Yehaw!
The Universe would have to explode now to make Jack stop.
His touch burned across her stomach, scorched the skin under the
waistband of the sweat pants he had loaned to her, seared through
every one of her defenses, and whipped her insides to a wild,
incoherent frenzy. Oh, God, now..,
she ordered, her voice
a worshiping tone in spite of the feelings that were buffeting
her from every side. She was straining against him again,
pulling him to her, pushing his and her clothing aside, guiding
him into her, heat washing through both of them the second his
skin came in contact with hers.
Jack pushed into her. Sweeeet! was the only coherent thought that he could force his mind to form when he felt her tightness surrounding his very core of being. It was a few seconds before he realized that tightness belonged to him, was his feelings of desire, surging through him, churning, gripping, demanding... Jack desperately claimed her mouth with his own, trying his best to keep such strong feelings at bay, but they threatened to tear into him... And then she moved, and fire exploded through his heart, stampeding to his veins, coursing, burning...
He muttered something completely incoherent into her ear as the tatters of his emotions ripped through him to freeze him in eternity for just an instant in time as emotion soaked into his brain, and his fingers, and his legs... His heart was not his any longer. Like she had for the last eight years, she held it as tenderly, and as securely as she ever had.
Jack grunted into her skin, breathing hot puffs of air into the valley between her perfect breasts. Sam threw her head back into his couch, and issued one primal growl. Then she threw herself into him, and wrapped her legs more firmly around him, anchoring herself onto him as if she would never let him go. She gasped for breath, once, twice, and shivered under him in a burst of her own emotional high. Muscles they didn't normally have reason to use tightened, and convulsed, and stroked naked flesh that was hyper aware of everything they were feeling until satisfaction practically dripped from their languid muscles. Sam sighed, content, and Jack sighed, content as well, and content that Sam was content...
You are so perfect,
she whispered with a grin.
My knees want to argue with you,
he told her, then
ruefully added, Especially after...
He was going to say
'loving her,' but changed his mind at the last minute. After
being with you on this couch.
He shook his head at her.
I'm not as flexible as I was a year ago.
Sam sent a mock grimace at him. It's amazing what flying
a desk for a year does to your body.
I didn't hear you complaining too much a few minutes
he was quick to point out.
Sam couldn't help but grin appreciatively at him. I was
soooo not complaining, but if you would rather move to the
It'll be more comfortable there...
We'll have more room...
For cuddling, and...
I have something more energetic in mind than
She smiled wickedly at him.
he instantly replied. I may be old, but I'm
not dead yet.
I won't let you die..,
she whispered to him, her face
a picture of seriousness.
Jack gazed down at her, straight into the blue eyes that he
had spent the last eight years avoiding. We've already
established that I will do anything to keep you from
Sam smiled. I know.
And that was all they said on the subject. They rose, and
Jack led her to his bedroom, still gloriously naked. He pulled
her close to him the second they were both under the covers.
I always wanted to get you in my bed,
he half joked with
Sam teased him back. Not as badly as I wanted to get you
in my bed. You'd think that a genius could figure a way
to accomplish that...
Jack interrupted her to softly and affectionately say,
You may be a genius... are a genius... but you're a bit
dense when it comes to your own personal life.
His statement
would have sounded like a citicism if he hadn't imbued it with as
much genuine affection as he was able to.
Sam stared at him in only partial hurt. I'm letting you
say that, ya know. If it were anybody else but you saying it, I
would probably throw them to Timbuktu for telling me...
I know,
Jack softly said, and added a kiss to the end
of her nose to soften his words. And I say it with the most
affection that I can show...
He took a deep breath,
considering her. It's almost as if you're afraid to let
someone get too close to you, love you.
He regarded her
again, a thoughtful look on his face. I hope you let me love
Sam snorted in an unladylike manner. Like I have any
choice in the matter!
Jack smiled, too. If you pretended not to love me all
the time, I would just hunt you down, and throw myself at you in
a most embarrassing way,
he agreed with her. And as I
don't want to embarrass myself, I'll have to ask you to save me,
and let me love you like I've always wanted to.
Sam intently stared at him. That will be hard,
cautioned, warning him of what was to come.
But when had Jack ever backed down from a challenge?
Nothing worth having is ever easy,
he told her. When they
were both silent for several minutes. he grinned at her, then
declared, And this is so worth it!
Sam smiled, and nuzzled her nose affectionately into his
chest. Suddenly, she lifted her head so that she could stare
straight at him. Her grin firmly affixed to her face, she
commented, We forgot to eat our ice cream!
Jack grinned back at her. I don't need any ice cream...
I've got you.
The End
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