Disclaimer: After this story, nobody may want me to claim them, even if I didn't own them to begin with.
Off-world activation!
Walter Harriman's voice echoed through the base loudspeakers, the call traveling down the corridors and into every room imaginable. It also easily traversed the guest quarters assigned to General Jack O'Neill, head of Homeworld Security, based out of Washington D.C., and thus, a visiting dignitary.
Only, O'Neill didn't feel particularly dignified as he entered the gallery outside his room, and was unceremoniously shoved into the nearest wall by a scrambling group of SFs assigned to guard duty in the Embarkation Room. Jack had forgotten how unorganized the mad scramble to the Embarkation Room could be when Walter's tone of voice alone indicated that the unscheduled Stargate activation was not a drill, and hostiles could be evident inside the base within a matter of seconds.
With that timely reminder firmly in... mind.., O'Neill jogged down the quickly emptying corridor toward the same room that all personnel were currently aiming for at a run. P-90s and M-16s were grabbed, hauled around facing front, or held tightly to the chest as each soldier took up position in the Embarkation Room, staring at the corrugated metal ramp leading down from the circular ring of naqueda that denoted it as the Stargate. The iris was just swirling apart when Jack entered the room from one side, and General Hank Landry entered from the other.
It's SG-1's signal,
Landry was saying to Jack as he
joined the leader of the underground Air Force base to stand in a
sort of welcome home committee of two at the bottom of the
Landry glanced inquiringly at O'Neill. What are you here
to do? Welcoming home our errant team? Or something
Jack gave a momentary smile, aimed at Landry. It's not
worse, exactly,
he said. But I would be lying if I said
that my presence here is acting as a simple welcome home because
I happened to be in the neighborhood, too.
Not worse, exactly,
Landry repeated as the iris
completed its disengage order by withdrawing into the side of the
Stargate casing itself. So, are you going to tell me what you
are officially doing here, or do I have to wait like
everybody else?
Again, O'Neill smiled.
Landry nodded. I have to wait,
he said, and even the
youngest SF present could hear the disappointment in the
commander's voice. He turned forward, but grunted, I hope you
know what you're doing.
So do I,
Jack repeated. They both turned to face the
Stargate ramp then, as the disparate members of Sg-1 walked
through the event horizon and clanked down the ramp.
Colonel Cam Mitchell was the last to arrive through the alien device, and he watched carefully behind them all until the iris again closed. The other four members of the team made note of the two Generals who stood at the bottom of the ramp, patiently waiting for a report on the mission.
Mitchell spoke up. There's nothing to cater
to on that planet, all right. Just trees, trees, and more
He noticed Jack standing, waiting for them.
General O'Neill!
he said in a vocal explosion. So glad
that you're here... You saved me the trouble of sending this on
to you... Here, this is for you, with the fondest of
He handed Jack a twig with the leaves still
attached to it. From you former teammates... Said that you
would know what they were referring to?
Jack grinned and took the verdant offering. Oh,
he said as he dipped the leaves upside down, then waved
them back and forth like a tiny flag. Daniel and Carter know
how much I just LOVE all kinds of trees,
he sarcastically
Daniel Jackson, resident team archaeologist, spluttered a laugh, and shared a glance with Sam Carter, computer expert and team scientist. She gazed back at him and smiled as she played with the bill of the military issue hat that she had removed upon first sight of Jack. Nervous now at the mere sight of her former CO... in fact, always nervous at the sight of her former team commander... she stood just a fraction more at attention during Mitchell's report.
Landry turned again towards O'Neill, then spread his hands
wide. Well, for what it's worth, welcome home SG-1. And now,
General O'Neill claims that he has something to share with us,
but I'm as in the dark as you are. But if you'll all gather
around before heading to the Infirmary...
Gotta love those planets full of trees,
Jack said
with a smirk on his face. But, at least, those trees weren't
hiding any pesky natives this time.
No, no natives, pesky or otherwise,
Daniel said.
Now, Jack, what's up? You haven't been reassigned again of
anything, have you?
he asked.
Your house is for sale once more and you wish to ask us
for a loan in order to offer to buy it back?
Jack pointed his finger at him. Hey, now that
would be really cool!
he said, But, no, that's not
why I'm here.
He hesitated, then turned toward Colonel.
Actually, I need to see Colonel Carter for a minute.
Me, Sir?
Carter inquired, and when O'Neill nodded,
she unslung her weapon from around her shoulder and handed it to
Teal'c while at the same time handed her hat on to Daniel. She
hopped the last two steps down to the floor level. What do
you need?
she asked, Computer repair? Metal readings?
Deep Space radar telemetry?
she joked, and the rest of the
present SGC members laughed.
O'Neill waited for the noise to die down. Uh, no, though
the radar telemetry is tempting,
he said, then reached into
his right dress jacket pocket. I have something to show
Carter looked instantly interested. Something to
she asked.
Jack hemmed. Not exactly,
he repeated.
Then he handed her what looked like some kind of... thing... with
yellow writing on a flexible blue background. Take a
he suggested.
Sam Carter glanced at the object in her hands, then turned
it over and glanced at it again. She drew in a deep breath, and
blinked. Is this..?
It is.
Jack nodded. I got my letter last
He patted the letter that was sticking out of his
left jacket pocket before going on, and then I flew here in
order to grab that patch at the Academy first thing this morning.
All I have to do is sew it on my jacket sleeve, and I'll be in
Landry held out a hand and practically yanked the object
from Carter's grasp. Let me look at that...
He perused
the floppy work in his fingers. That's what I thought!
barked. This is a retirement patch!
Yes, it is,
Jack told him in a calm voice.
Daniel blinked, and Teal'c started to grin. Are you
actually retired?
he asked.
Jack nodded. I am. As of yesterday at 0500 in the
afternoon, I am no longer part if the active Air Force... again.
He drew a deep breath before going on, I would have sewed the
patch onto my sleeve, but I'm all out of blue thread.
What a shame,
Vala intoned. I have some in my
quarters, if you'd like to follow me?
she shamelessly
Carter shot her a look that would have wounded a person if she still had her weapon handy, and Daniel elbowed the alien painfully in her ribs.
Vala rubbed at her side. What did I
Daniel noted. I think Sam has beginning
dibs on the congratulations this time,
he said, not even
trying to be subtle any longer.
Damn right,
Carter said in an uncharacteristic show
of unmilitaristic behavior. Then she turned to O'Neill and
smiled. Can I be the first to offer my congratulations?
she asked brightly.
First, and last,
Jack said with an answering grin.
He held out his arms, and in only a second, Carter had given a
throaty laugh, then flown into his embrace.
I had just about lost hope that this day would ever
Carter said, her voice muffled by his coat, but still
loud in the Embarkation Room.
Mitchell grimaced just a little. Easy there, Colonel
Carter... You had to know this day would come eventually.
Jack looked up, his arms still wrapped tightly around
Carter. That's Colonel O'Neill, thank you very much.
Mitchell looked confused for a second. No,
intoned slowly. That's 'Carter'... I should know the members
of my own team!
Jack answered while still clinging to the Colonel. You
may not know them as well as you think you do, though that's not
exactly your fault at this time,
he suggested.
Mitchell narrowed his eyes. Just what are you talking
he asked.
Just what I said,
Jack teased him even as he tried to
explain. Meet Colonel O'Neill... my wife.
And he pointed
straight at Carter.
Mitchell exploded, and Daniel suddenly
You're married?
Daniel asked in amazement.
Teal'c suddenly stepped forward, his staff weapon stilled at his
side, to join the archaeologist at the bottom of the ramp.
Landry just stood next to the two O'Neill's with his mouth
hanging slightly open in surprise.
Well, it's not against regulations anymore, now that I'm
O'Neill said. And as no one brought up a
complaint about our professional behavior...
He gave a final
squeeze to the woman in his arms, then brightened. Oh, I
brought something else for you,
he told her.
Sam stepped back and pushed her hair out of her eyes.
There's more?
she questioned, obviously just as surprised
as the rest of her team.
Jack nodded again. Oh, yeah,
he said, then reached
into his right pocket for the second time. He pulled out a
simple round wedding band. I think you can wear this,
he said, and handed her the ring.
Teal'c grinned, clearly enjoying the joke played at his and
every one else's expense. How long have the two of you been
joined as one?
he asked.
Jack glanced at Sam. How long..?
he asked. Has
it been one...?
It'll be two years in three days,
she gently chided
him. Like I know that you know very well, as you were just
reminding me of the day this last weekend.
An expression of discovery crept over Daniel's face, then.
Of course!
he said. The sudden trip out East!
grin grew even wider as he said to Sam, You know, the one
where I had to pick you up at the airport!
Vala whacked Daniel in his ribs with the back of her hand.
They almost could have come back together..,
she noted,
and smiled, then tilted her head in what she had been told was a
charming manner. How romantic.
How surprising,
Landry snorted, and smiled as well.
As I can see, my congratulations are in order, too!
Jack grinned at him. Thank you,
was all he said, but
then, he had the reputation of being a man of few words.
Sam slipped her ring onto her finger, and her arm around
Jack's slim waist. Um, I have a surprise of my own, I
she announced.
Daniel gave a roll of his eyes. Not another surprise...
I can't take any more!
he mock cautioned.
Vala whacked Daniel in his ribs again. Daniel lapsed into
silence as he rubbed at his side with his hands. Vala looked at
Sam... Colonel O'Neill..,
she noted, and looked slyly at
both Sam and Jack. What nice lilt to a name,
she noted,
and raised her brows.
Sam hated to have so much attention drawn to
her, but, then, she had drawn it in the first place, she reminded
herself. So she purposefully studied only Jack at her side.
I'm two months pregnant,
she bluntly stated.
Jack seemed to rear back as if she had struck him.
he asked.
Sam shrugged. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner,
but I didn't know for sure until yesterday at the doctor's yearly
physical, and then I didn't feel like this was the kind of news
one told over a phone...
She shrugged again. Sorry...
she said, as if she were telling him what kind of food
she preferred at her own retirement party. But I did manage
to prove one thing first,
she told Landry.
And what's that, Colonel?
he inquired as the news she
had dropped on them all began to settle into his conscious
'Gate travel doesn't seem to adversely effect a growing
she told him. I've been going on missions like
normal these last two months, and all this time, I've
Daniel interrupted her. Hey, if it's a boy, we should
name him Jack Junior!
he said, with a pointed look at
Jack laughed along with him. Don't tempt us, Daniel...
We just might do that!
Inside, he was spinning at Sam's
news, and expected that he would feel slightly sidewinded for the
rest of the day. Imagine, him, a father again! He suddenly
turned towards Sam. Good thing your Dad...
He stopped at
his rather thoughtless reminder of Jacob's sad death. Well,
if your Dad were here,
he said, he might have to hurt
Sam laughed at that, and Jack appeared to be infinitely glad
that his mention of Jacob hadn't dredged up any unhappy memories.
He'd have to hurt me, too, then!
Sam said. And I don't
think he would have done that.
Daniel interrupted once more. How about
Jacob Junior?
It is your choice, of course,
Teal'c reminded, then
sent a glare in Daniel's direction. Or, at least, as much as
Teal'c ever glared at anyone. I suggest that you not listen
to DanielJackson on this matter.
Thor Junior?
Daniel was going on, ignoring the
warning from Teal'c. What about if it's a girl?
Jack exclaimed. Will you let me get used
to the idea of having a kid crawl all over me again, for crying
out loud!
That's it!
Daniel said with a snap of his fingers.
For crying out loud!
You can't name a kid after a phrase like that!
proclaimed a sardonic Mitchell. Now, Cam Junior has a nice
ring to it.
Landry cut this speculation about names short. Let's
move this into the Commissary, where, among other things, they
have good cake to eat...
He herded the team members through
the heavy door and into the corridor. Walter!
he yelled.
You better join us, or else...
Daniel exclaimed then. Walter
I know!
Sam suddenly said, then grinned. Let's
name him after the man who carries the biggest wrench around
they shouted together, laughed, then
disappeared down the corridor... food, even impromptu food...
Vala suddenly leaned in to Daniel as they left the
Embarkation Room. We're next,
she purred with a grin.
No one was sure, but they all thought they heard a very Daniel sounding 'eek' echo down the corridor.
The End
That's my prediction, that Jack and Sam are together in some capacity when Amanda Tapping returned to the show at the beginning of season nine. I'm not at all sure about the pregnancy part... relatively unsure, in fact... or the marriage part... sort of sure... but that they are together in some way. That's my prediction, written in October of 2006. Now we wait and see if I'm right.
Back to [Stargate SG-1 Stories]. Send comments to linda.bindner@gmail.com.
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