Disclaimer: same 'ol, same 'ol, no money, don't own them, yadda, yadda, yadda... you know the rest.
Major Samantha Carter dispiritedly stared across her lab. Even her new naqueda reactor couldn't keep her interest for long on this strange day. For some unknown reason, on this morning, everything was royally ticking her off... She considered the idea that she may have contracted a strange, unheard-of alien virus. She was worried enough by this thought that she had spent a good hour being poked in the butt by Janet's needles, but nothing had come of her blood test results; she was as normal as normal could get for the SGC. It was just that she was in a totally pissy mood, and didn't know why...
Sam sighed loudly, the sound soaking through the room and into the corridor, loud enough to carry to the approaching form of Colonel Jack O'Neill as he walked down that hallway, intent on... Well, okay, intent on bugging her, he admitted to himself. He had already spent the last hour bugging Daniel in an attempt to avoid Major Carter for as long as he possibly could, but Daniel had thrown Jack out of his office just a few minutes before, saying that he would never get any work done unless Jack left. Not wanting (exactly) to be a distraction, Jack had finally ambled his way down to Carter's lab in order to see what she was up to.
Except that Carter was... if that sigh was any indication... Carter was less than a happy camper.
Jack peeked around the doorjamb and into her lab. Hey,
Carter..? You in here?
He called his questions. Is it
safe to come in, yet? Or are you gonna boil me in oil and have
me for dinner?
Sam Carter smiled in spite of her dark mood. No, sighs
notwithstanding, I don't plan to boil you in oil; it's safe to
come in, Sir,
she called back.
Jack crept into the lab, looking around for whatever had
caused such a sad sounding sigh. He expected to see that
something had flown into a million pieces, at the very least.
But everything seemed to be alright to him... He glanced around
again. Okay, I'm in... Mind telling me what's wrong,
Sam sighed once more; she just couldn't help herself. I
have no idea what's wrong today!
she exclaimed. I just
came in this morning, and so far, everything that could go wrong
today, has gone wrong today!
Jack said in complete understanding. One of
those mornings.
It makes no sense!
Sam yelled with a shrug of her
shoulders. I even went to see Janet in the Infirmary,
thinking that something was wrong with me. But she says that I
check out just fine - It makes no sense!
she repeated,
looking lost as she helplessly gazed at him. If I didn't know
better, I'd say this is...
She stopped her voice just in
time before she said that her dismal mood was caused by PMS.
But I know better.
However, not saying what had caused her mood was not good
enough for a certain Colonel. It's not... what, Carter? Come
on, you can tell me... I was once a married man, you
Carter hesitantly began. I hate to use this
as an excuse, because I think it's waaaaaay overused, and not
true in my case, anyway, but I was going to say that if I didn't
know better, I'd say that this is a really bad case of
But that's not the case?
O'Neill asked, thinking that
it was quite weird to be standing calmly in a science lab,
discussing the menstrual cycle with his 2IC! It seemed odd, but
he had never thought of Carter as having anything to do with a
menstrual cycle before, even though that was ridiculous, as she
was a woman, and he well knew that all women had to deal with
such a biological thing as a monthly menstrual cycle. There was
no getting away from it, barring pregnancy. He knew that. He'd
been married to one of those biological things called a woman for
ten years, after all!
Carter assured him, strangely just as calm as
O'Neill was being while discussing such a personal issue with her
team leader, even though that personal issue under discussion was
her monthly cycle, of all things. It didn't seem strange at all
to be debating such a thing with him. Instead, it seemed
oddly... natural. Which was weird... Oh! I'm just in the
worst mood that I could possibly be in, that's all,
eventually informed him.
Maybe you need a break, like a trip to the Commissary for
a cup of coffee to help you calm down?
suggested O'Neill.
Sam sighed for a third time. That's if I don't rip my
coffee cup to shreds first,
she admitted ruefully. And
it's too early for lunch. I'm not hungry, anyway.
Jack nodded knowingly. Then, what you need is a good
he announced.
Sam stared at him in dubious scrutiny. A good hug?
she asked, her hands propped in suspicion on her hips.
O'Neill shrugged one shoulder. Yeah.
He noticed
Sam's expression of skepticism, then. Okay,
he admitted,
and shrugged his other shoulder. Then he stuffed his hands in
his pockets. I know it sounds stupid, but you should never
underestimate the power of a good hug... And I know what you're
he exclaimed then.
Sam regarded him in rolled-eyed antipathy. Okay, what am
I thinking?
she asked, as if her behavior had been forced by
the fact that she'd even made such an appeal.
Jack sauntered over to the other side of the lab table and
stared at her. This is not just a ploy of mine to get a
damsel in distress... or in a very bad mood... into my
oh-so-charming arms.
Sam couldn't help it; she actually did roll her eyes
this time. Oh, of course it isn't,
she sarcastically
Jack pretended that she had wounded him by placing his hand
over his heart. Would I lie to you?'
Sam seriously regarded him.
Don't answer that,
O'Neill commanded in an effort to
save himself the agony that he was courting; she looked as if she
might hit him at any moment.
Finally, she sighed, in derision, this time, and peered at
him. A hug?
she asked dubiously.
Jack nodded. Yeah,
he replied. You know,
holding? One human being holding his friend in an effort to
comfort her on a day when she's pissed at the entire
Now Sam was really doubtful! Holding?
she asked, her
hands still propped up on her hips.
Jack shrugged both shoulders this time. Yeah... What's
wrong with that?
he asked. I only want to help.
Then, he regarded her as she continued to stare at him.
he asked. Last I looked, helping a friend in
trouble wasn't against any regulations, or anything.
had to guess that breaking regs was what had been on her mind;
she had been thinking of the fraternization regulations, and he
didn't blame her, considering the secret feelings they harbored
for each other, kept hidden even in the direst of
He'd guessed right. Helping?
she inquired, as if to
make sure. That's all this is?
Now, Jack was irritated. Look, if you'd feel better, I
could ask Teal'c to come down here and give you a hug, but I'm
here right now, and by the time he got to your lab, half an hour
can go by, and by then you can very easily have destroyed half
your lab, and anyway, a hug from a Jaffa is...
Sam actually giggled at the idea of something that promised
to be as nice as a hug coming from a Jaffa... Teal'c could be a
gentle man, Sam knew... but in a fierce way! Somehow, I
don't think that's quite the effect I'm looking for,
Well, there you are, then,
O'Neill told her, and
shrugged once more. It's me, or Teal'c.
What? No Daniel?
Sam teasingly inquired.
Jack shook his head. Daniel said that if I bothered him
again for any reason, he might have to throw an ancient artifact
at my head. I figured that means he and his office are off
He stared right at her. But you can brave his
domain, if you want to.
Sam shook at just the thought of having something thrown at
her head. With her luck, she would catch the thrown object in
midflight and throw it back at Daniel! No, that's okay...
I'll take your word for it,
she said.
Logically, that leaves me, or Teal'c,
Jack said.
And if I were you, I'd be wary of Teal'c.
He lowered his
voice and pretended to confide to her in a stage whisper. You
know that weekend we went fishing?
Yeah, I remember.
Jack leaned even more over her lab table. He told me
that he bites!
That statement actually made Sam burst out laughing. He
does not!
she defended.
Jack protested.
Sam kept laughing. I'll never look at Teal'c in quite
the same way ever again!
she said.
Jack laughed along with her. Well,
he said, trying
to get them back on topic. Either me, or Teal'c...
I think I'll skip Teal'c, if you don't mind... I don't
want to be bitten right now!
Carter mock exclaimed.
O'Neill shrugged another time. That leaves just
And your oh-so-charming arms,
Sam finished for
Did I mention that I went to school for this?
That comment made Sam laugh anew. No, you kind of left
out that little point.
It's true,
Jack protested again. It saved my
marriage in my black ops days... before the divorce, that is,
he confessed. But, she knew all about his history; he wasn't
divulging any new information to her. He rallied his light mood,
then, as a way to stave off her natural need for wanting to ask
what could only be a case of third degree questions following a
comment like his. That should tell you how much I really
do know...
Sam regarded him again. Is this in the team manual,
she inquired.
If it isn't, it should be,
Jack instantly deadpanned
Sam laughed once more. There should be a class on this
holding business, right?
Only if holding is used as a way of keeping up
he told her.
Well, forgive me if I say so, Sir,
Carter said,
but my morale really stinks today.
You wanna throw things across the room?
Oh, yeah!
Sam said. In a big way! In fact, that
naqueda reactor is lucky that it's not in pieces right now from
being creamed against the far wall!
Boy, you've got it bad when you want to throw naqueda
Jack declared. Then he wrinkled his brow. Can
you even lift a naqueda reactor?
A giggle flew out of her mouth. We can find out,
My way's a lot cheaper than throwing a million
Billion dollar..,
she corrected him.
Jack's eyebrows went up. Billion dollar?
he asked in
a shaky voice.
She nodded, then repeated, Billion dollar.
Jack went on, pointing out, ... than throwing a
billion dollar piece of equipment against the far
Then, he held out his arms to her standing across the
table from him.
Still suspicious, she stared at his open-armed gesture.
Just a hug,
Jack insisted. You look like you
could use one today.
Still just as monumentally guarded, Carter stared at him.
This doesn't mean anything..,
she started to insist.
Jack looked irritated that she would think it meant anything
at all. It's just a morale booster,
he said. I would
hardly be considered a good Colonel and team leader if I didn't
suggest it,
he defended again.
Sam still considered. She hesitated, went forward a step, then hesitated again.
Will you get over her before you break something, for
crying out loud!
O'Neill ranted. Geez, I haven't got the
plague or anything!
Then he amended, At least, not the
last time Janet checked for it.
The casual mention of her best friend finally convinced Sam.
Okay, but just for a few minutes... and as long as you haven't
got the plague or anything...
Then Sam was in his embrace, right in front of the security camera, in front of anybody who wanted to peer through the open lab door... Sam Carter, in Jack O'Neill's arms...
Actually, it was quite nice to be held like this...
Actually, it was more than quite nice... Relaxing, even!
You're right,
Sam said after a few silent seconds.
I feel better already.
Jack grinned into her hair, and ran his hand down her back.
God, it felt good to have her in his arms like this, even if it
was only as a morale booster! I'd like to say 'I told you
so,' but...
... but then I might have to whack you upside the
Sam mock threatened.
And that would not feel very good,
emphatically commented, and minutely tightened his arms.
Sam squeezed hers across his back in response to his
tightening. No,
she said, That would probably not be
in your best interest.
So, you keep your arms where they are..,
Jack told
And I promise not to hit you in the head,
she said as
she couldn't quite stop herself from burrowing her own head just
a little deeper into his chest. Jack was right; this did
feel good! She sighed once more, but this time it was a sigh of
contentment. She closed her eyes and just held on.
Above her, where she couldn't see, Jack smiled, then lay his
cheek on the top of her head. I'm glad I could help,
whispered, for her ears only. And he sighed, too.
The End.
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