How Different Was I? Really?

The second most often asked question, right after 'what did you do all day long?' had to be how was I different after the stroke. Was I the same, or was I changed forever? I never thought I would have a stroke, that's for sure! A heart attack, yes, but not a stroke. Cancer maybe, because every family seems to have someone with Cancer, and why not me? I'm not so conceited that I think I can escape that particular illness. One thing I do know for certain is that you don't ever want to have a stroke of your own. Retraining your brain to do everything is no picnic, that much I can tell you. Here lies a list of other things I can tell you:

There, now you know. I'm just a normal Human who likes to eat a lot, drink coffee all the time, and read what she shouldn't want to read, but reads anyway. I haven't changed very much, though I'm more emotional, now, and less likely to put up with something that I deem is unreasonable. However, no matter how much a stroke may change or not change a particular personality, a person should always wear a helmet when riding a bike, as well as wear a seat-belt in a car. I've seen too many people who didn't, and the sight was not a pretty one.

Next: Personal Reflections, the Whole Darn Book